Wikipedia (Wikipedia) is a multi-language versions of the free encyclopaedia project, has become the Internet's most popular reference website inquiries.
Wikipedia (Wikipedia) is a wiki-based technology, multilingual encyclopedia project, is also a different language network Encyclopedia, its goals and objectives are provided for all mankind free encyclopedia ─ ─ with their Choose the language in writing or in the sum of knowledge all over the world.
Wiki encyclopedia, since January 15, 2001 was formally established by the Wikimedia Foundation is responsible for maintaining, as of December 2007, the number of Wikipedia entries in the first English Wikipedia has 2.1 million entries, and all the 253 kinds of languages breakthrough 9,000,000 total entries, the total beyond 10 million users, of whom the number of entries in the top 15 Wikipedia entries were the total number of 74%, the majority of pages can be used by any person using your browser browser to view and modify the English Wikipedia has also contributed to the popularity of other programs, such as Wikinews, Wikibooks, etc. have a plan, although it resulted in everyone can edit the content of the accuracy of the controversy, but if source list and research can be confirmed, then its content must also be affirmed.