Technically speaking, only an Internet domain name used to resolve the address corresponds to a method of problem. It can be said that only a technical term. However, the Internet has become because of people all over the world's Internet, domain names have become a natural and social science terminology.
From a social science perspective, the domain name in order to become an integral part of Internet culture.
From the business perspective, the domain name has been known as the business "online trademark." NOT a business does not attach importance to their products logo - a trademark, and the importance of the domain name and its value has been all over the world recognize the enterprise. In March 1998 within one month, the world on a register of 179,331 generic top-level domain name (according to InterNIC data), the average register 5977 domain names every day, every 25 minutes! The Record is the monthly growth rate of 7 percent. China's number of domain name registration, from 96 before the end of accrued more than 300, to 98 years in November surged to 16,644, the monthly growth rate of 10%.