1, cold and sweet and sour pain: case of hot and cold sweet and sour tooth pain, remove the stimulus, the pain disappeared. Teeth pigmentation common for dental caries. Gingival edge of tooth surface, pigment deposition, deep wedge-shaped defects. Two dental are lighter, and restorative treatment can improve. However, due to shrinkage caused by gum sensitive dentin, treatment process is more complicated.
2, spontaneous labor pains: Gingival pains occur spontaneously, not positioning, sleep pain; cold, heat-induced pain stimulus can be removed, to stimulate the pain still persist for some time, the pain of radiation to auriculotemporal. Said pulp inflammation, to the "rotten nerve" to carry out treatment, removal of teeth "rotten nerve" and then for root canal therapy.
3, persistent pain: Gingival continuing pain, can be clearly positioning, dental float flu, percussion teeth or biting pain were evident. Note invasive periapical inflammation. Treatment is too much trouble to the emergency principle is "decompression drainage" - in the teeth to open a hole in the middle, so that outflow of inflammatory secretions, reducing the pressure of the pulp cavity. Perturbation X-chip, in accordance with the election condition of root canal therapy or the treatment of plastics.
4, bitten by a hard object pain: bite hard things pain, there is knock the history of stones and other hard objects. Teeth may have cracks, severe cases can be cracked teeth. Cracked the depth of the decision, as treatment options: If teeth have been loosened, it is necessary to extraction. Such as shallow, you can do sets of crown retained.