Friday, February 13, 2009

Toothache is a disease

Toothache is not a disease, it really hurts to death. This is popular for a long time civil, in fact, a toothache is your response to the external teeth sick. Likely to have dental caries or are your canine pulp or around the gums are infected, of course, your premolar toothache can also lead to cracks, and sometimes vegetables are only crumbs stuck in the teeth caused discomfort. In addition, the toothache may also be caused by sinusitis. If you happen toothache, it is best you find a dentist to find out the real cause of toothache. However, before going to the dentist, you can use the following methods of pain relief.

Mouthwash containing one saliva (approximate body temperature), forced mouthwash. If the toothache is due to food debris caught between teeth, then use mouthwash to remove food crumbs, can be solved by a toothache. If the mouthwash does not work, can be removed using dental floss. But careful not to hurt the gums.

Narcotic analgesics with a slightly potent liquor, narcotic teeth and gums can achieve analgesic efficacy