You work the swing shift at the factory and return home early in the morning. Not quite ready to sleep, you rouse your dog for some quality-time play, but he looks at you with red, bleary eyes. It's obvious he's just feigning excitement – he'd much rather dream of chasing Frisbees than actually do it.Several hours later, Scruffy is rested and ready to play in the sunshine, but you've adopted something of a vampire's lifestyle. That big, bright interrogation lamp we call the sun is just too harsh at midday. Your lifestyles are definitely out of sync. If you're thinking about getting a pet, one of the first things to consider is your lifestyle. Pets have deep, emotional needs just like people. While this does not mean you have to listen to the relationship woes of your friends, it does mean you should have the time to bond with your pet.Where you live is of course a major factor in your decision. A condo or apartment building may not allow dogs, for instance, and you shouldn't flout the rules by bringing one in. You may be forced to choose between moving or giving up your pet. Unfortunately, many people choose to give up their pet to a shelter, where there is little chance he or she can be adopted before being euthanized. You can learn more about the animal issues of where you live by reading.