One way to make enemies in a neighborhood is to own a barking dog. A dog that throws itself, madly barking, against the door whenever it hears footsteps outside, or a door being shut, or a door bell, and it might be somebody else's door, can drive anybody to a nervous breakdown.
It is fortunate that not all dogs are barkers. Barking is, of course, a manifestation of the dog's instinct to defend itself and its territory, but is a nuisance which you must try to prevent as early as possible. It is time consuming and you might even have to sacrifice a few days of your holidays to stay at home and devote yourself to solving this problem. It certainly is a problem and it gets worse the longer you put off doing something about it.!A7B74AFE8C331C07!140.entry The dog's reaction is always triggered by a certain stimuli-in this case a certain noise outside the door-and you always have that short reaction time to try to intervene.
Most experts on dogs will tell you that separation anxiety is the most important cause of excessive barking. If you spend a lot of time with him on the weekends and then work all week and just tend to his needs such as food and water he will continue to feel anxious. Your dog may just feel
neglected. Puppies and even adult dogs grow very attached to their families and require a lot of love and attention.
Some dogs will bark to protect their territory such as their yard and bark when they think someone strange is entering their territory. Dogs can be very protective of their homes. When a dog barks as a person walks on the
sidewalk in front of their home then passes on by they feel that they have been successful in getting that person away from their territory. Once a dog has been successful in scaring away an intruder, then he is more motivated
to bark again when another person walks by his territory. He is just trying to protect his own turf.
Some breeds of dogs are prone to barking more than others, usually Dobermans and Rottweilers bark very little and Beagles and Terriors are big barkers.
Especially young dogs like to bark also as they are usually very alert and responsive to noises and other people or animals. The larger and slower dogs bark less than the smaller ones and the fast ones.