Persians are quite large cats and are heavier than many other breeds. Their legs are rather short, made to look shorter due to their long hair and they are heavily boned. They do however have the sweetest little expressions on their faces, making them appear innocent and lovable. Persians have large rounded heads, tiny pointed ears and wide eyes; the colour of their eyes depends highly on the colour of their fur. Their fur is long and thick and comes in a variety of colours. Because of this and because they are so popular to show, there are now seven colour categories to follow.
Persian cats are extremely docile and quiet tempered. They make great additions to the household and will be your friend for life if you treat them kindly and give them the affection they need. If you are looking for an active cat to chase leaves in the garden and run around in a mad lap, don't get a Persian; these cats have one of the lowest activity levels in the breed world and a much happier sitting on the sofa with a member of the family admiring its beautiful coat! Although docile, they do still like to play, especially as kittens and they enjoy a game of chase the string! Persians are sweet caring cats who enjoy the company of other domestic pets or children, a perfect new member to the family.