The Manx was first discovered in Britain on the Isle of Man hundreds of years ago. Nobody is really sure how they got there or when exactly but many theories have been invented over the years. One theory suggests the cats were brought over by the Vikings while others like to think they were brought over during the Spanish Armada in the late 1500's. The actual truth is unknown and will probably forever remain a mystery.
Manx cats and kittens have been popular pets for many years but few people knew they existed until the 1900's. In 1901 a group of British Manx enthusiasts formed a club to promote recognition of the breed and since then their popularity has soared. Unfortunately, the breed is extremely rare, especially show quality cats therefore the demand is very high but they are still very hard to get hold of. Many Brits and Americans are big Manx fanciers but few manage to acquire their preferred fury feline friend.
Some Manx cats are born with small tails and they can be of different lengths, they are categorised as Rumpy, Rumpy-Riser, Longy or Stumpy. You might not guess the order but Rumpies are completely tailless Manxes, Rumpy-Risers have a small stump, Stumpies have slightly longer stumps than Rumpy-Risers and Longies have tails almost as long as other breeds. Only Rumpies and Rumpy-Risers are allowed to compete in the Championship Ring. Stumpies can compete in the 'Any other Variety' section.
Manx cats are built solidly, appear powerful and are quite a heavy breed of cat. Their heads are round with medium sized ears and large round eyes. The colour of their eyes conform to the colour of their fur. They have short thick coats that can come in a range of colours. The overall appearance should be rounded and strong.
Besides taillessness, the Manx is known for its robust and rounded appearance. It has a very round head and rounded cheeks which give it a jowly appearance; even more so in the male cat than in the female.
Another striking feature of Manx cats is their extremely long back legs, giving them a raised rump.
Manx cats have short stocky bodies, wide chests and strong bones. Their eyes are round, and the ears are broad at the base tapering to a rounded tip.
The Manx breed is seen with just about every coat colour, and every coat pattern.
Solid colour Manx cats, blue, cream, black, white, and red Manx cats. Beautiful bicolour Manx cats, wonderful tabby Manx and charming calico Manx cats. You can even find Manx cats with pointed (Siamese type) patterns, but these are not generally accepted for show purposes.
The gene that causes taillessness can also cause spinal problems, which are evident within the first few months after the kitten is born, and usually within the first month. The defect, known as Manx Syndrome, manifests as bladder or bowel dysfunction and difficulty walking. Because of the potential for this syndrome, Manx breeders usually don’t adopt kittens out until they are around four months old to ensure that they do not suffer from the disorder. Breeders also tend to dock the tail stump when the kittens are quite young. This is not done for cosmetic reasons as with dogs. Rather, it reduces the likelihood of Manx Syndrome manifesting. The syndrome is rare in dock-tailed cats. Due to selective breeding, Manx Syndrome is far less common than it once was, and the majority of cats without the syndrome enjoy robust health.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Cat Neuter and Nursing
Usually, this is pleasant for all concerned mother, kittens, and you. Remember not to disturb your new cat family any more than necessary for about three days. But you do have a few important jobs during this time: cleaning the maternity box and the mother's breasts, watching for signs of illness or malnutrition, and initiating solid foods (weaning).
The kittens will soil the maternity box, so on the third day, when the mother goes to relieve itself, change the newspapers or towels. Wash the queen's breasts once daily with warm water and a clean washcloth, but do not use soap.
The milk produced during the first twenty-four hours is called colostomy and is rich in antibodies that protect the kittens from such diseases as phalarope a few weeks. But if you see any signs of illness, see your veterinarian immediately. Most kitten illnesses need professional attention.
Appearance and milk production are the best indication of the mother's nutritional status. A well-balanced, commercial cat food is adequate for lactating queens. If necessary, supplement this with high-protein foods, such as milk prod-cuts and cooked eggs. A general rule is to feed an additional 100 calories per pound of kitten. By the end of the lactation period, your cat may be eating three times heartbreaking level. Vitamin and mineral and extra calcium supplements should be fed to heavy lactates with large litters.
The best time for the female's ovario hysterectomy is before the first heat (but not before five or six months of age). The estrogens secreted during the heat period may prime the breast tissue for later tumor development. and approximately 90percent of them are malignant. Spaying early may help prevent tumors from developing.
The ovario hysterectomy is the surgical removal ("ectomy") of ovaries ("ova-rio") and the uterus ("hyster") through an abdominal incision. The size of the incision does not indicate your doctor's surgical skill. Some doctors make small incisions, and others like to have good exposure of the surgical area. The size of the organs to be removed will vary among animals as well.
Spaying is common surgery, but every pet is unique. and special care will betaken. A careful and thorough preoperative exam will determine your cat's ability to undergo surgery. Modern anesthesia (gas or inhalants) is very safe: an anesthetic caused death is extremely rare in a healthy pet. Your doctor will instruct you not to feed your cat for twelve hours before surgery, which will allow the stomach to empty. If there is food in the stomach during surgery, it may be vomited and pass into the breathing tubes and lungs, and an aspiration pneumonia could occur.If the monitoring equipment (which keeps track of breathing and heart functions during surgery) indicates a potential problem, your cat can be brought out of the anesthesia in a few minutes. Many veterinary hospitals have the same heart monitors used for humans in hospital intensive care units. Emergency fluids and drugs,which are rarely needed, are readily available.
Postoperative complications (such as infection) are also very rare because of aseptic surgical techniques: the operating room is well sterilized, as are the instruments, drapes, caps, masks, and gowns. Modern anesthetics allow most cats to be on their feet minutes after surgery, which also probably lessens the postoperative discomfort. Your cat may be home the same day or the next day, depending on the veterinary hospital procedure.
The kittens will soil the maternity box, so on the third day, when the mother goes to relieve itself, change the newspapers or towels. Wash the queen's breasts once daily with warm water and a clean washcloth, but do not use soap.
The milk produced during the first twenty-four hours is called colostomy and is rich in antibodies that protect the kittens from such diseases as phalarope a few weeks. But if you see any signs of illness, see your veterinarian immediately. Most kitten illnesses need professional attention.
Appearance and milk production are the best indication of the mother's nutritional status. A well-balanced, commercial cat food is adequate for lactating queens. If necessary, supplement this with high-protein foods, such as milk prod-cuts and cooked eggs. A general rule is to feed an additional 100 calories per pound of kitten. By the end of the lactation period, your cat may be eating three times heartbreaking level. Vitamin and mineral and extra calcium supplements should be fed to heavy lactates with large litters.
The best time for the female's ovario hysterectomy is before the first heat (but not before five or six months of age). The estrogens secreted during the heat period may prime the breast tissue for later tumor development. and approximately 90percent of them are malignant. Spaying early may help prevent tumors from developing.
The ovario hysterectomy is the surgical removal ("ectomy") of ovaries ("ova-rio") and the uterus ("hyster") through an abdominal incision. The size of the incision does not indicate your doctor's surgical skill. Some doctors make small incisions, and others like to have good exposure of the surgical area. The size of the organs to be removed will vary among animals as well.
Spaying is common surgery, but every pet is unique. and special care will betaken. A careful and thorough preoperative exam will determine your cat's ability to undergo surgery. Modern anesthesia (gas or inhalants) is very safe: an anesthetic caused death is extremely rare in a healthy pet. Your doctor will instruct you not to feed your cat for twelve hours before surgery, which will allow the stomach to empty. If there is food in the stomach during surgery, it may be vomited and pass into the breathing tubes and lungs, and an aspiration pneumonia could occur.If the monitoring equipment (which keeps track of breathing and heart functions during surgery) indicates a potential problem, your cat can be brought out of the anesthesia in a few minutes. Many veterinary hospitals have the same heart monitors used for humans in hospital intensive care units. Emergency fluids and drugs,which are rarely needed, are readily available.
Postoperative complications (such as infection) are also very rare because of aseptic surgical techniques: the operating room is well sterilized, as are the instruments, drapes, caps, masks, and gowns. Modern anesthetics allow most cats to be on their feet minutes after surgery, which also probably lessens the postoperative discomfort. Your cat may be home the same day or the next day, depending on the veterinary hospital procedure.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pets not left behind
residents from New Orleans ahead of Hurricane Gustav are making amends with four-legged friends after thousands of pets perished in Hurricane Katrina three years ago.
Animal welfare groups tried to make sure that evacuees had their pets with them, while shelters away from the Gulf Coast accommodated animals this time around.
Many owners stayed in the city during the catastrophic 2005 hurricane because they could not take their pets to shelters and could not bear to leave without them.
"This city has been hit so badly, they've lost so much, and the last thing they have to hold on to is their animal," said Laura Bergerol, a volunteer with Animal Rescue New Orleans.
The group stacked up boxes for residents who planned to carry their small pets with them as part of an evacuation on buses and trains through the Union Passenger terminal.
Pet owners stood in line to register their furry friends. Then they were given a machine readable band to tag on to their pet, in case they became separated.
Among the horrors of Katrina three years ago were dead dogs bobbing in the drowned streets of the city, 80 percent of which was flooded.
Julian Coleman lined up to register his feisty Rottweiler-German shepherd puppy Ali.
"I didn't want to just leave him to get hurt, like so many did in Katrina," Coleman said as Ali jumped up. "It makes me feel a little safer having him with me."
Evacuee Sylvania Moore was anxious about being separated from her mother, but relieved to be able to take her shitsu, Buddy, with her.
"He gets to ride the bus with us, which is good," said Moore, clutching Buddy in her arms outside the terminal. "It's a relief that we didn't have to leave him behind."
Animal welfare groups tried to make sure that evacuees had their pets with them, while shelters away from the Gulf Coast accommodated animals this time around.
Many owners stayed in the city during the catastrophic 2005 hurricane because they could not take their pets to shelters and could not bear to leave without them.
"This city has been hit so badly, they've lost so much, and the last thing they have to hold on to is their animal," said Laura Bergerol, a volunteer with Animal Rescue New Orleans.
The group stacked up boxes for residents who planned to carry their small pets with them as part of an evacuation on buses and trains through the Union Passenger terminal.
Pet owners stood in line to register their furry friends. Then they were given a machine readable band to tag on to their pet, in case they became separated.
Among the horrors of Katrina three years ago were dead dogs bobbing in the drowned streets of the city, 80 percent of which was flooded.
Julian Coleman lined up to register his feisty Rottweiler-German shepherd puppy Ali.
"I didn't want to just leave him to get hurt, like so many did in Katrina," Coleman said as Ali jumped up. "It makes me feel a little safer having him with me."
Evacuee Sylvania Moore was anxious about being separated from her mother, but relieved to be able to take her shitsu, Buddy, with her.
"He gets to ride the bus with us, which is good," said Moore, clutching Buddy in her arms outside the terminal. "It's a relief that we didn't have to leave him behind."
Pet and Your Lifestyle

You work the swing shift at the factory and return home early in the morning. Not quite ready to sleep, you rouse your dog for some quality-time play, but he looks at you with red, bleary eyes. It's obvious he's just feigning excitement – he'd much rather dream of chasing Frisbees than actually do it.Several hours later, Scruffy is rested and ready to play in the sunshine, but you've adopted something of a vampire's lifestyle. That big, bright interrogation lamp we call the sun is just too harsh at midday. Your lifestyles are definitely out of sync. If you're thinking about getting a pet, one of the first things to consider is your lifestyle. Pets have deep, emotional needs just like people. While this does not mean you have to listen to the relationship woes of your friends, it does mean you should have the time to bond with your pet.Where you live is of course a major factor in your decision. A condo or apartment building may not allow dogs, for instance, and you shouldn't flout the rules by bringing one in. You may be forced to choose between moving or giving up your pet. Unfortunately, many people choose to give up their pet to a shelter, where there is little chance he or she can be adopted before being euthanized. You can learn more about the animal issues of where you live by reading.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Selkirk cats

The Selkirk Rex originated in Montana, America in 1987, with a litter born to a rescued cat. The only unusually coated kitten in the litter was ultimately placed with a Persian breeder, Jeri Newman, who named her Miss DePesto (after a curly-haired character in the TV series Moonlighting played by Allyce Beasley). This foundation cat was bred to a black Persian male, producing three Selkirk Rex and three straight-haired kittens. This demonstrated that the gene had an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. All Selkirk Rex trace their ancestry back to Miss DePesto.
The breed has been developed in two coat lengths, long and short (medium). It is a large and solidly built breed, similar to a British Shorthair. The coat is very soft and has a woolly look and feel with loose, unstructured curls. The head is round, with large rounded eyes, medium sized ears, and a distinct muzzle, whose length is equal to half its width. An extreme break, like that of a Persian, is a disqualifiable fault. breed has been developed in two coat lengths, long and short (medium). It is a large and solidly built breed, similar to a British Shorthair. The coat is very soft and has a woolly look and feel with loose, unstructured curls. The head is round, with large rounded eyes, medium sized ears, and a distinct muzzle, whose length is equal to half its width. An extreme break, like that of a Persian, is a disqualifiable fault.
Medium-sized to large, well-proportioned cat, with powerful, muscular body which is more rectangular shape than square, but not long. The back is straight with a slight rise towards the rear, and shoulders and hips are the same width. The head is round and wide, with full cheeks and prominent whisker pads. The length of the muzzle is half the width. The ears are medium-sized and set wide apart. They are wide at the base and taper to a point. They should fit into the round contours of the head. Tufts of fur, if any, are curly. The eyes are large, round and set wide apart and should be neither almond-shaped nor oval. Instead, the inner and outer angles of the eye should lie on the same horizontal line. The legs should be medium-long to long with large, round paws. The powerful tail is medium-long and in proportion to the body. It is strong at the base, with neither a pointed nor stumpy tip. The coat occurs in two variants: short and longhair. The greatest difference between the two can be seen in the tail and the ruff. In the shorthair, the hair on the tail is the same length as the rest of the body, at around 2.5-5 cm. The curls on the tail lie plush and close to the body. The ruff hair is the same length as on the rest of the body. In the longhair, the curls on the tail are feathery and stand out from the actual tail. The ruff hair is also longer and frames the face. In both variants, the texture of the coat is soft, plush, abundant and obviously curly. The coat is dense and thick and does not have any bald or sparsely covered patches. Single curls may appear unevenly or haphazardly over the body, but these are not wavy and are usually clumped in bunches. Curls on the neck, tail and stomach may be more prominent.
Peterbalds have an elegantly slim build and distinctive head: narrow and long with a straight profile, almond-shaped eyes, and big set-apart ears. They are somewhat similar in appearance to Oriental Shorthair cats. They have a hair-losing gene and have very short hair. Their skin has the appearance of grey flannel and feels like a horse's muzzle.
Peterbalds are usually sweet-tempered, peaceful, curious, smart and energetic.They love their family members and need to communicate with them; they are not a loner type of cat. Peterbalds typically live in harmony with other cats and pets, and also with children. They are not vindictive, and these characteristics make Peterbalds an excellent companion.
The founding female cat of the two Russian Hairless Breeds which are known under the name "Don Sphynx or Don Hairless" and also as "Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald". She was a blue tortie cat which was called Varya. She was rescued by Irina Kovalyova. Irina was concerned that Varya was ill because she had lost nearly all of her coat. Irina treated the cat with anti-fungal medication but the cat did not seem to get better and continued to lose her coat. Irina came to the conclusion that this was a new genetic occurance.
In 1989 Varya was mated to a domestic cat and healthy kittens followed. Several kittens were hairless. Irina sold one of the kittens, a black female to Irina Nemykina who started the Russian Hairless cats line. The first breed was called Don Sphynx or Don Hairless. According to these documents it was determined that the new gene for hairlessness is dominant to the gene for normal coat. This was evident because when heterozygous hairless cats were mated to normal coated cats, a number of hairless kittens always resulted in the litter. The hairless cats of Myth Cattery were bred exclusively to European Shorthairs and Domestic Shorthairs.
First matings of Don Hairless cats with Oriental/Siamese cats were started in St.Petersburg and in Moscow in 1993. These oriental type of hairless cats (named "Peterbalds") were unpopular in Moscow, but became very popular among St.Petersburg breeders. The first Peterbalds were born in January of 1994. They were the result of outcrossing a very classy tortie oriental female (Radma von Jagerhof) with a brown mackerel tabby Don Hairless male (Afinogen Myth), whose bone structure was a bit light, but who had a wedge-shaped head. All in all, he was a good choice for breeding with Oriental cats. This male was also mated with Russian Blues. The litters from such matings were considered to be Don Hairless, but some of the kittens were rather elegant, and we used them in our breeding program for Peterbalds. The irst Peterbalds were sold to other clubs in various parts of Russia. And they have become the founders for developing Peterbalds throughout Russia.
Peterbalds have an elegantly slim build and distinctive head: narrow and long with a straight profile, almond-shaped eyes, and big set-apart ears. They are somewhat similar in appearance to Oriental Shorthair cats. They have a hair-losing gene and have very short hair. Their skin has the appearance of grey flannel and feels like a horse's muzzle.
Peterbalds are usually sweet-tempered, peaceful, curious, smart and energetic.They love their family members and need to communicate with them; they are not a loner type of cat. Peterbalds typically live in harmony with other cats and pets, and also with children. They are not vindictive, and these characteristics make Peterbalds an excellent companion.
The founding female cat of the two Russian Hairless Breeds which are known under the name "Don Sphynx or Don Hairless" and also as "Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald". She was a blue tortie cat which was called Varya. She was rescued by Irina Kovalyova. Irina was concerned that Varya was ill because she had lost nearly all of her coat. Irina treated the cat with anti-fungal medication but the cat did not seem to get better and continued to lose her coat. Irina came to the conclusion that this was a new genetic occurance.
In 1989 Varya was mated to a domestic cat and healthy kittens followed. Several kittens were hairless. Irina sold one of the kittens, a black female to Irina Nemykina who started the Russian Hairless cats line. The first breed was called Don Sphynx or Don Hairless. According to these documents it was determined that the new gene for hairlessness is dominant to the gene for normal coat. This was evident because when heterozygous hairless cats were mated to normal coated cats, a number of hairless kittens always resulted in the litter. The hairless cats of Myth Cattery were bred exclusively to European Shorthairs and Domestic Shorthairs.
First matings of Don Hairless cats with Oriental/Siamese cats were started in St.Petersburg and in Moscow in 1993. These oriental type of hairless cats (named "Peterbalds") were unpopular in Moscow, but became very popular among St.Petersburg breeders. The first Peterbalds were born in January of 1994. They were the result of outcrossing a very classy tortie oriental female (Radma von Jagerhof) with a brown mackerel tabby Don Hairless male (Afinogen Myth), whose bone structure was a bit light, but who had a wedge-shaped head. All in all, he was a good choice for breeding with Oriental cats. This male was also mated with Russian Blues. The litters from such matings were considered to be Don Hairless, but some of the kittens were rather elegant, and we used them in our breeding program for Peterbalds. The irst Peterbalds were sold to other clubs in various parts of Russia. And they have become the founders for developing Peterbalds throughout Russia.
Ocicat Kittens
The Ocicat is a medium-sized to large cat, fairly long and strong cat, which is has a stocky structure. Despite its muscular and solid body, it is elegant and sleek in appearance. The wedge-shaped head is very strong and wide, while the medium-sized nose is slightly curved at its base. Ears should be medium-sized, open and set high. The large, almond-shaped eyes slant towards the nose and can occur in any colour except blue. The Ocicat has well-built, muscular legs with oval paws. The fairly long, quite powerful tail tapers slightly to a dark point and the coat is short, smooth and of a silky texture with a glossy shimmer. It must lie flat along the body so as not to influence the appearance of the coat pattern. Ticking is very important and each hair of the fur must show several bands of contrasting colour. The typical coat pattern is a mixture of stripes and spots organised at regular intervals on the body. The tail should have at least five bands, and an "M" pattern should be apparent on the forehead.
The Ocicat is a medium-sized to large cat, fairly long and strong cat, which is has a stocky structure. Despite its muscular and solid body, it is elegant and sleek in appearance. The wedge-shaped head is very strong and wide, while the medium-sized nose is slightly curved at its base. Ears should be medium-sized, open and set high. The large, almond-shaped eyes slant towards the nose and can occur in any colour except blue. The Ocicat has well-built, muscular legs with oval paws. The fairly long, quite powerful tail tapers slightly to a dark point and the coat is short, smooth and of a silky texture with a glossy shimmer. It must lie flat along the body so as not to influence the appearance of the coat pattern. Ticking is very important and each hair of the fur must show several bands of contrasting colour. The typical coat pattern is a mixture of stripes and spots organised at regular intervals on the body. The tail should have at least five bands, and an "M" pattern should be apparent on the forehead.
The Ocicat is a medium-sized to large cat, fairly long and strong cat, which is has a stocky structure. Despite its muscular and solid body, it is elegant and sleek in appearance. The wedge-shaped head is very strong and wide, while the medium-sized nose is slightly curved at its base. Ears should be medium-sized, open and set high. The large, almond-shaped eyes slant towards the nose and can occur in any colour except blue. The Ocicat has well-built, muscular legs with oval paws. The fairly long, quite powerful tail tapers slightly to a dark point and the coat is short, smooth and of a silky texture with a glossy shimmer. It must lie flat along the body so as not to influence the appearance of the coat pattern. Ticking is very important and each hair of the fur must show several bands of contrasting colour. The typical coat pattern is a mixture of stripes and spots organised at regular intervals on the body. The tail should have at least five bands, and an "M" pattern should be apparent on the forehead.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Schapendoes is the shaggy sheep dog of Holland. With the rough, dense, long coat and drop ears, the breed is physically similar to the Beardie, Puli, Nizinny and other European varieties. Root stock is believed to be the same as that of Briard, Bearded Collie and Bergamasco. Although the Dutch Sheepdogs have been in existence for many centuries, they are not well known. They did not attract the attention of royalty but remained a dog of the common people; therefore they were rarely immortalized in art or literature. More recently, small flocks of sheep in Holland were subsidized by the government as "show" for tourists, presenting a pretty picture of green pastures dotted with white sheep. The native sheep dogs did not reap the same government benefits as their charges. Due to a lack of interest in the native breed and the importation of English Border Collies, the Schapendoes dwindled into small numbers prior to the Second World War.
The Schapendoes has a self-cleaning double coat. The outer coat is wavy, long, harsh, and dense. The undercoat is thick and soft. This breed sheds little to no hair.
Overview: Also referred to as the Dutch Sheepdog, this herding breed that was once endangered, has now steadily gained popularity in their homeland of the Netherlands as well as parts of Europe. Schapendoes remain an extremely rare breed in North America.
Character: The Schapendoes has a light build which enables this breed to be very agile. They are extremely alert, brave, intelligent, and are remarkable jumpers. This hard-working breed is able to withstand any type of weather. Schapendoes have only recently become recognized as a household pet.
Temperament: The Schapendoes breed is very loyal, devoted, clever, and tireless. The Schapendoes possesses endurance and strength. They do well with considerate children and other pets they have been raised with. They will become vocal when they perceive trouble or danger and make good watchdogs. They are free-thinking, independent, and lively.
Care: The Schapendoes requires daily brushing of the coat. Bathing should only be done when absolutely necessary using a mild shampoo to preserve the integrity of the coat. Daily cleansing of the face is recommended. The ears and paw pads should be checked often for debris. Due to careful and selective breeding, the Schapendoes has no health issues.
vaccinations for your puppy
Puppies receive antibodies from suckling their mother's milk. After weaning, they lose this acquired immunity. It is important to vaccinate your puppy against some of the common but deadly diseases. What follows below is a write-up of the common diseases which can be vaccinated against for your pet's protection.
Rabies is a disease that attacks the central nervous system and eventually paralyzing and killing the animal. Clinical signs of rabies include altered behavior and restlessness. there's no cure for rabies, only the preventive vaccination can save the life.
Parvovirus is a fatal and quick killer. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration. A thorough disinfection of the premises must be done to cleanse the contamination.
Coronavirus is contagious and its symptoms are similar to Parvovirus. Transmission is via contact with infected feces and objects.
Canine distemper affects the central nervous system. Clinical signs include discharge from the eyes and nose, diarrhea, pneumonia and convulsions. This virus is transmitted via airborne particles.
The Hepatitis virus attacks the liver. Symptoms are similar to those of distemper. There is also fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. The animal will feel pain whenever its abdomen is pressed.
Canine cough is also known as " kennel cough ". It is so called because it results from dogs living in close quarters like those in kennels. The cough is very contagious and other symptoms include loss of appetite, loss of energy, runny eyes and nose and pneumonia. This is a complicated cough as it could be caused by a number of microorganisms such as parainfluenza, canine bordetella and adenovirus-Z.
Leptospirosis is extremely contagious as it is transmitted via any fluid discharge from the infected animal. Saliva, urine and nasal secretions are equally infectious. Symptoms include fever, pains and dehydration. A sudden drop in body temperature signals the serious progression of this disease.
Rabies is a disease that attacks the central nervous system and eventually paralyzing and killing the animal. Clinical signs of rabies include altered behavior and restlessness. there's no cure for rabies, only the preventive vaccination can save the life.
Parvovirus is a fatal and quick killer. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration. A thorough disinfection of the premises must be done to cleanse the contamination.
Coronavirus is contagious and its symptoms are similar to Parvovirus. Transmission is via contact with infected feces and objects.
Canine distemper affects the central nervous system. Clinical signs include discharge from the eyes and nose, diarrhea, pneumonia and convulsions. This virus is transmitted via airborne particles.
The Hepatitis virus attacks the liver. Symptoms are similar to those of distemper. There is also fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. The animal will feel pain whenever its abdomen is pressed.
Canine cough is also known as " kennel cough ". It is so called because it results from dogs living in close quarters like those in kennels. The cough is very contagious and other symptoms include loss of appetite, loss of energy, runny eyes and nose and pneumonia. This is a complicated cough as it could be caused by a number of microorganisms such as parainfluenza, canine bordetella and adenovirus-Z.
Leptospirosis is extremely contagious as it is transmitted via any fluid discharge from the infected animal. Saliva, urine and nasal secretions are equally infectious. Symptoms include fever, pains and dehydration. A sudden drop in body temperature signals the serious progression of this disease.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Burmilla is a breed of domestic cat which originated in the United Kingdom in 1981. It is a cross between the Chinchilla Persian and Burmese breeds.Standards were produced in 1984 and the breed gained championship status in the United Kingdom in the 1990s.The Burmilla can have a variety of colours: black, blue, champagne, chocolate, cream, lilac, platinum and red. They can also be tortoiseshell, with colours including black, blue, brown, chocolate and lilac.The Burmilla was acually created accidentally in the United Kingdom, two cats, one Chinchilla Persian and one Burmese, were each awaiting a partner of the same breed in different rooms. Accidentally one night the cleaner left the door open and the rest is history. The result was so adorable that a new breed was born.
The Burmilla is a gentle, intelligent and extremely affectionate cat with an exceptional temperament. The demanding and mischievous character of the Burmese mixed with the easy-going, relaxed nature of the Chinchilla, gives the Burmilla its unique personality. Burmillas are very extroverted, social cats that love their humans, both adults and children. They also have a very confident, playful and inquisitive nature. The Burmilla will delight humans with their antics and games and most learn to fetch quite easily. They also adjust well to other pet animals. This breed is a wonderful companion with irresistible qualities.
The Burmilla is a beautiful medium sized shorthaired cat of foreign type, showing a striking contrast between a coloured Shading/Tipping and a pure silver base. The Burmilla body is muscular with a good bone structure, yet gives an impression of great elegance. A rounded chest and a straight back add to the overall harmony. Females tend to be slightly smaller than males.The eyes are the most beautiful feature of the Burmilla. Large, expressive emerald eyes are set well apart on a slightly oblique angle.
Kitten care

The kitten will need these immediately in case he/she is thirsty or hungry on arrival. The dishes should be quite heavy so the kitten doesn't end up pushing them around and so they don't tip over! The water will need changing every day and the kitten will need to be fed small amounts about 4 times per day. Once the kitten reaches 6 months this can be changed to larger portions twice a day. The breeder should have given you information about the kittens diet requirements and the types of foods they are used to.
Combing your kittens' fur is particularly important if he/she is a long hair breed such as Persian. Regular grooming is important to prevent the fur from becoming tangled and to make sure your kitty looks great! Some cats do not require constant grooming, it all depends on the type of fur they have. It is best to keep a comb or brush handy in case the kitten gets something stuck in its fur or rolls in something! Regular stroking will help remove dirt and dead hair.
Kittens need toys to stimulate their minds and help keep them active throughout the day. There are loads of different varieties available; balls, bells, mice or string, remember cats love to chase thing so anything that involves them running or looking for something is good. You can even make your own toys, one of the best I know of is to tie a piece of paper to the end of some string and run around letting the kitten chase after it - trust me they'll love it!
cat food information

Cat food is one of the most important expenses of feline guardianship, next to veterinary care. It is important also to note that a nutritios cat food diet can eliminate or delay veterinary expense for a number of serious medical conditions. Learn how to read cat food labels, why some cat foods are better than others, and what those mysterious ingredients are.
Your kitten will probably have been already weaned when he or she first arrives at your house, and, hopefully, will be eating a high-quality food designed for kittens. If so, it will probably be best to continue him on the food he is accustomed to, to avoid the inevitable tummy upsets of a quick food change. If not - if your kitten has been eating a lesser-quality (grocery store) food, you'll need to convert him over to a more appropriate kitten food gradually. Start by adding a small amount of premium kitten food to his existing food, then gradually increase the amount each day. You will likely find that once your kitten tastes the higher quality food, he will nose through the kibble to find those morsels. At that point, you can make the switch complete.' nutritional needs are very specific and the nutritional quality of cat food is one of the most important factors in cats' health and longevity. These resources will help you learn all you need to know about cat food labels, cat food ingredients, and the nutritional needs of cats.
Somali cats are also known as long haired Abyssinians or fox tails due to their long bushy tails. Somali cats are an interesting and distinctive breed. It is thought that they may first have appeared as a result of natural mutation in Abyssinia but it has also been argued that they originated in England at around 1900 when English breeders used long haired cats to breed with Abyssinian cats.
Long haired breeds may have been mixed with Abyssinian cats in order to carry on the breeding when stock was low after the world wars, but it was not until the sixties that long haired Abyssinians became popular and were bred on purpose for shows and championships. By the end of the seventies Somali cats where accepted in all North American championships, but the cat was less popular in Europe and it was not until 1991 that the British Cat association allowed the Somali to compete in Great Britain.
A male Abyssinian named Raby Chuffa who came to Britain from the united states in 1953 is considered the father of the breed in Europe. Since then many long haired Abyssinians appeared in Britain. This was because of the fact that whenever two Abyssinian's with recessive long haired genes where bread a long haired kitten was possible. These long haired cats were given away for use as pets and not considered competition material. Some breeders began to nurture the long haired cats while others wanted to discourage the use of such cats for competion and saw them as polluting the Abyssinian breed. A group of breeders decided to rename the cat so that it would be more acceptable as its own breed and decided on the name Somali. The reason this name was chosen was because Somalia is the country next to Ethiopia – which used to be called Abyssinia . Somali clubs which brought enthusiasts together helped the popularity of the cat to grow in America and Europe and now the breed has full championship
Somalis are well-proportioned, medium to large cats with firm muscular development. Their body is medium long and graceful, with a medium-length soft and silky coat that requires little grooming. The coat is usually one to three inches long, with shorter fur across the shoulders. The tail is fluffy and full; their feet have tufts between the toes. Their large, almond shaped eyes range in color from intense green to rich copper. The Somali has an agouti, or ticked, coat with four to twenty bands of color on each hair. The ticked fur mantles the cat with harmonizing solid color on its underside. They come in four recognized colors: ruddy, red, blue and fawn.
Somalis have small litters of three to four kittens, which develop slowly. They reach their full size at about eighteen months of age.
Long haired breeds may have been mixed with Abyssinian cats in order to carry on the breeding when stock was low after the world wars, but it was not until the sixties that long haired Abyssinians became popular and were bred on purpose for shows and championships. By the end of the seventies Somali cats where accepted in all North American championships, but the cat was less popular in Europe and it was not until 1991 that the British Cat association allowed the Somali to compete in Great Britain.
A male Abyssinian named Raby Chuffa who came to Britain from the united states in 1953 is considered the father of the breed in Europe. Since then many long haired Abyssinians appeared in Britain. This was because of the fact that whenever two Abyssinian's with recessive long haired genes where bread a long haired kitten was possible. These long haired cats were given away for use as pets and not considered competition material. Some breeders began to nurture the long haired cats while others wanted to discourage the use of such cats for competion and saw them as polluting the Abyssinian breed. A group of breeders decided to rename the cat so that it would be more acceptable as its own breed and decided on the name Somali. The reason this name was chosen was because Somalia is the country next to Ethiopia – which used to be called Abyssinia . Somali clubs which brought enthusiasts together helped the popularity of the cat to grow in America and Europe and now the breed has full championship
Somalis are well-proportioned, medium to large cats with firm muscular development. Their body is medium long and graceful, with a medium-length soft and silky coat that requires little grooming. The coat is usually one to three inches long, with shorter fur across the shoulders. The tail is fluffy and full; their feet have tufts between the toes. Their large, almond shaped eyes range in color from intense green to rich copper. The Somali has an agouti, or ticked, coat with four to twenty bands of color on each hair. The ticked fur mantles the cat with harmonizing solid color on its underside. They come in four recognized colors: ruddy, red, blue and fawn.
Somalis have small litters of three to four kittens, which develop slowly. They reach their full size at about eighteen months of age.

The Manx was first discovered in Britain on the Isle of Man hundreds of years ago. Nobody is really sure how they got there or when exactly but many theories have been invented over the years. One theory suggests the cats were brought over by the Vikings while others like to think they were brought over during the Spanish Armada in the late 1500's. The actual truth is unknown and will probably forever remain a mystery.
Manx cats and kittens have been popular pets for many years but few people knew they existed until the 1900's. In 1901 a group of British Manx enthusiasts formed a club to promote recognition of the breed and since then their popularity has soared. Unfortunately, the breed is extremely rare, especially show quality cats therefore the demand is very high but they are still very hard to get hold of. Many Brits and Americans are big Manx fanciers but few manage to acquire their preferred fury feline friend.
Manx cats and kittens have been popular pets for many years but few people knew they existed until the 1900's. In 1901 a group of British Manx enthusiasts formed a club to promote recognition of the breed and since then their popularity has soared. Unfortunately, the breed is extremely rare, especially show quality cats therefore the demand is very high but they are still very hard to get hold of. Many Brits and Americans are big Manx fanciers but few manage to acquire their preferred fury feline friend.
Manx cats have short stocky bodies, wide chests and strong bones. Their eyes are round, and the ears are broad at the base tapering to a rounded tip.
The Manx breed is seen with just about every coat colour, and every coat pattern.
Solid colour Manx cats, blue, cream, black, white, and red Manx cats. Beautiful bicolour Manx cats, wonderful tabby Manx and charming calico Manx cats. You can even find Manx cats with pointed (Siamese type) patterns, but these are not generally accepted for show purposes.
The Manx breed is seen with just about every coat colour, and every coat pattern.
Solid colour Manx cats, blue, cream, black, white, and red Manx cats. Beautiful bicolour Manx cats, wonderful tabby Manx and charming calico Manx cats. You can even find Manx cats with pointed (Siamese type) patterns, but these are not generally accepted for show purposes.
cat and kitten food
Cats are individuals, just like people. They are beautiful, fascinating creatures with their own special nutritional needs and definite preferences - some like chicken, some like fish. Some cats like canned food, some like dry food, and some like a combination of the two. Keep in mind that no one food is best for every cat. You could feed a brand of very well-formulated food to a group of cats and find that most of them do great on it, some do marginally well, and a few may actually get sick from it due to food intolerances or other medical problems. Luckily, today's market offers many well-formulated cat foods for cats at all life stages, and it's fine to try several to determine which one works best for your cat.
After you've done all you can to make sure a food is healthy and beneficial, take a look at your cat after feeding the food for at least a month. Bright eyes, a shiny coat, and a healthy energy level will let you know you've chosen a good source for your cat's nutrition. If you need assistance selecting a food for your cat, seek veterinary/professional advice.
After you've done all you can to make sure a food is healthy and beneficial, take a look at your cat after feeding the food for at least a month. Bright eyes, a shiny coat, and a healthy energy level will let you know you've chosen a good source for your cat's nutrition. If you need assistance selecting a food for your cat, seek veterinary/professional advice.
kitten health
My cat won't eat his food anymore. Why?
There are lots of reasons a cat might not eat his food. If your cat does not eat for one day, there is usually no cause for concern. Long term fasting predisposes cats to a potentially fatal liver disease called hepatic lipidosis, so if your cat does not eat for two days in a row it's a good idea to take her to your veterinarian and make sure she is okay. Cats like consistency, so sometimes feeding her in a new place at a different time or in a new bowl may cause her to not eat. Occasionally a food may not be stored properly or might be too old and the fats have started to go rancid, which can lead to feed refusal. Sometimes when the weather is too hot your cat might not want to eat. Lastly, determine whether your pet may have had too many treats or may have gotten into the pantry or garbage and so may already have eaten her daily meal.
Are some treats better for cats than others?Generally speaking, treats can be divided into two categories, dry and semi-moist. Semi-moist treats contain 20-30% water, usually contain some real meat or chicken and are highly palatable, making them valuable training treats. Dry treats are usually not as palatable as semi-moist treats, but are less expensive and often can be used to help clean teeth.
There are lots of reasons a cat might not eat his food. If your cat does not eat for one day, there is usually no cause for concern. Long term fasting predisposes cats to a potentially fatal liver disease called hepatic lipidosis, so if your cat does not eat for two days in a row it's a good idea to take her to your veterinarian and make sure she is okay. Cats like consistency, so sometimes feeding her in a new place at a different time or in a new bowl may cause her to not eat. Occasionally a food may not be stored properly or might be too old and the fats have started to go rancid, which can lead to feed refusal. Sometimes when the weather is too hot your cat might not want to eat. Lastly, determine whether your pet may have had too many treats or may have gotten into the pantry or garbage and so may already have eaten her daily meal.
Are some treats better for cats than others?Generally speaking, treats can be divided into two categories, dry and semi-moist. Semi-moist treats contain 20-30% water, usually contain some real meat or chicken and are highly palatable, making them valuable training treats. Dry treats are usually not as palatable as semi-moist treats, but are less expensive and often can be used to help clean teeth.

There have been many occurrences of hairless cats throughout history. The modern day Sphynx started in Toronto, Canada in 1966 with the birth of a hairless cat. During the 1970's several more hairless cats were born. After this time, the breed was developed principally in Europe.
The first distinctive feature you will notice about the Sphynx is its serious lack of hair and wrinkly skin. They are no wrinklier than any other breed of cat but the lack of fur accentuates the wrinkles a lot more. Wrinkles are a very desirable characteristic in competitions when it comes to the Sphynx.
The Sphynx is of medium build, males tend to be slightly larger than females and they have a bit of a belly giving the appearance they have just eaten. The Sphynx has an almost heart-shaped head with the chin much narrower than the forehead and their ears are very large compared to the size of their faces. Their eyes are oval shaped and the colour depends on the colour of their coat, hazel and green are also accepted eye colours. Their coats come in a variety of shades.
Many people assume that because the Sphynx lacks a fur coat, allergic reactions will be dramatically reduced or non existent. However, this is not the case; the dander and saliva that all domestic cats have is still present in the skin of the Sphynx. It is this and not the fur that is responsible for the allergic reactions that many people suffer from. The main difference is that your Sphynx will not moult all over your house and leave the substance you are allergic to amongst the fur.
The Sphynx is of medium build, males tend to be slightly larger than females and they have a bit of a belly giving the appearance they have just eaten. The Sphynx has an almost heart-shaped head with the chin much narrower than the forehead and their ears are very large compared to the size of their faces. Their eyes are oval shaped and the colour depends on the colour of their coat, hazel and green are also accepted eye colours. Their coats come in a variety of shades.
Many people assume that because the Sphynx lacks a fur coat, allergic reactions will be dramatically reduced or non existent. However, this is not the case; the dander and saliva that all domestic cats have is still present in the skin of the Sphynx. It is this and not the fur that is responsible for the allergic reactions that many people suffer from. The main difference is that your Sphynx will not moult all over your house and leave the substance you are allergic to amongst the fur.
They have a friendly disposition and are very sociable with other people and pets. Sphynx are very intelligent and can be taught to walk on a lead and respond to voice commands. They are often described as the most intelligent and affectionate of all cat breeds.

Persians are quite large cats and are heavier than many other breeds. Their legs are rather short, made to look shorter due to their long hair and they are heavily boned. They do however have the sweetest little expressions on their faces, making them appear innocent and lovable. Persians have large rounded heads, tiny pointed ears and wide eyes; the colour of their eyes depends highly on the colour of their fur. Their fur is long and thick and comes in a variety of colours. Because of this and because they are so popular to show, there are now seven colour categories to follow.
Persian cats are extremely docile and quiet tempered. They make great additions to the household and will be your friend for life if you treat them kindly and give them the affection they need. If you are looking for an active cat to chase leaves in the garden and run around in a mad lap, don't get a Persian; these cats have one of the lowest activity levels in the breed world and a much happier sitting on the sofa with a member of the family admiring its beautiful coat! Although docile, they do still like to play, especially as kittens and they enjoy a game of chase the string! Persians are sweet caring cats who enjoy the company of other domestic pets or children, a perfect new member to the family.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Keep Your Pet Healthy

Pet health care involves paying quite some attention to your pets’ needs in addition to asking your vet some pertinent pet health questions. Of course pet health information can be had from the numerous numbers of internet sites but not many of them (such as the fly by night operators and web robos) are dependable. You need to take time from your daily grind to walk, exercise your pet apart from grooming, vaccinating and studying and selecting good quality pet food. We will examine the important nine steps to keep your pet healthy, in the following paragraphs
If you are looking for some good pet health information to look after your pet, no matter, whether you are going to buy pet for the first time, you need to understand the need for professional advice. The following nine tips are formulated by well known pet professionals and veterinarians.
Walking your dog is the first thing in dog health care. Walking dog once in the morning and again in the late evening, after you returned from work is good for not just its health. Of course the dog can stretch his limbs a bit and relax going round the garden or street corners. But what matters more is that, this is the time he develops affection, obedience for you. Some dogs meet their fairer sexes, get cozy with them and get gratified. Looking at it from the health point of view, the much needed exercises to his joints and claws, rolling on all over the place; keep them in good steed for long time to come. Use a good quality collar and a leash. Leash without a collar is not advisable. Use a leather leash instead of chain slip leash.
Once you develop a rapport with your dog, he craves for your attention. He likes to be in your company. With you he feels secure and cozy. He knows well that like him, you tend to please him for his wants and so on. This is the time you can utilize on inspecting them, listening to their activities and their growls attentively. Quite possibly this can reveal a pain or two he might be trying to express to you at an early stage itself.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Dog or Kitten
If you have decided to have a domestic pet, then you will be in the dilemma whether to choose a cat, dog or kitten. It depends upon your love for a particular animal and what for you want the pet. You may choose a pet to simply give you a companionship or to watch your house.
Cats are wonderful companions. They share our joys and sorrows and in return give us unconditional love. Many of us are feel lonely and crave for company. Old people are always looking for someone who can share some time with them. Similarly, childless couple also feel lonely. For such people cat adoption is a wonderful idea. It will bring joy to their lives and also make them more enthusiastic and sanguine towards life.
Talking of cats, there are fifty-nine different breeds of them. They belong to Felis silvestris catus subspecies, which are mammals. Cats are domesticated carnivores that are generally small in stature and feline. There are evidences showing that man has kept cats in his association for 3500 years to keep mice and other rodents at bay to protect grains. No discussion on dogs is can probably be an exaggeration. Man has long acknowledged dogs of all breeds as his best companion. But there is no denying that you need a pet as a companion, for work, for herding or even plain time pass.
Dogs, on their part are capable of hard labor and integrity to their masters. Dogs are carnivorous like cats and are very ferocious in obeying their masters. Although dogs cannot recognize colors, they memorize things by their smells. You can groom dogs to suit every utility. Dogs infected by rabies can transmit it to humans by biting. Some of the bigger and stronger dogs can escape from their leash, too.
Cats are wonderful companions. They share our joys and sorrows and in return give us unconditional love. Many of us are feel lonely and crave for company. Old people are always looking for someone who can share some time with them. Similarly, childless couple also feel lonely. For such people cat adoption is a wonderful idea. It will bring joy to their lives and also make them more enthusiastic and sanguine towards life.
Talking of cats, there are fifty-nine different breeds of them. They belong to Felis silvestris catus subspecies, which are mammals. Cats are domesticated carnivores that are generally small in stature and feline. There are evidences showing that man has kept cats in his association for 3500 years to keep mice and other rodents at bay to protect grains. No discussion on dogs is can probably be an exaggeration. Man has long acknowledged dogs of all breeds as his best companion. But there is no denying that you need a pet as a companion, for work, for herding or even plain time pass.
Dogs, on their part are capable of hard labor and integrity to their masters. Dogs are carnivorous like cats and are very ferocious in obeying their masters. Although dogs cannot recognize colors, they memorize things by their smells. You can groom dogs to suit every utility. Dogs infected by rabies can transmit it to humans by biting. Some of the bigger and stronger dogs can escape from their leash, too.
Cat Nutrition and Food
The cat also needs certain nutrients made by the metabolic processes of other animals and not available in plant material. Dogs have a range of biochemical processes that convert nutrients from plant and animal sources into what they require - for example dogs can convert the carotenes found in fruit and vegetables into vitamin A. The cat cannot do this and must obtain vitamin A already preformed in animal sources. Cats ingest not only the flesh and organs of their prey but also the partially and wholly digested vegetable foods the prey had eaten. With the assistance of the prey's own digestive processes, the cat then is able to derive nutrition from various vegetable sources. Thus the cat is more than a carnivore -- the cat is an obligate carnivore. To survive the cat must eat meat.
How much should I feed my cat?The first place to start is to look for feeding guidelines on the package, they are an excellent place to start. Remember that these are guidelines only and that your pet's age, activity level and environmental temperatures all have an effect on how much your pet needs. The best method is to weigh your cat regularly and increase the amount of food if your cat appears to be losing weight and decrease the amount if your pet appears to be gaining weight. Many pet stores and most veterinarian offices have scales you can use to weigh your pet.Young growing pets should be fed two or three times per day, with newly weaned kittens being fed three times a day and older growing kittens being fed twice a day. Adult cats can be fed free choice, once a day or twice a day depending upon the cat and owner preference. Adult dogs or cats that are overweight and are being fed to lose weight should be fed twice a day to help minimize the risk of begging.
Is dry food better than canned food?Cats in particular need at least 50% of their diet in the form of wet food to reduce the workload on the kidneys and keep the urine dilute. Cats with a history of bladder or kidney disease should not be fed any dry food.Cats can thrive on a mixed diet of dry, canned or semi-moist, as long as it is complete and balanced. Dry diets are generally less expensive to feed than canned diets. It can be very difficult to control the build up of Tartar on your pet cats teeth, there are specific dry food treats for cats that can help tartar build-up.
How much should I feed my cat?The first place to start is to look for feeding guidelines on the package, they are an excellent place to start. Remember that these are guidelines only and that your pet's age, activity level and environmental temperatures all have an effect on how much your pet needs. The best method is to weigh your cat regularly and increase the amount of food if your cat appears to be losing weight and decrease the amount if your pet appears to be gaining weight. Many pet stores and most veterinarian offices have scales you can use to weigh your pet.Young growing pets should be fed two or three times per day, with newly weaned kittens being fed three times a day and older growing kittens being fed twice a day. Adult cats can be fed free choice, once a day or twice a day depending upon the cat and owner preference. Adult dogs or cats that are overweight and are being fed to lose weight should be fed twice a day to help minimize the risk of begging.
Is dry food better than canned food?Cats in particular need at least 50% of their diet in the form of wet food to reduce the workload on the kidneys and keep the urine dilute. Cats with a history of bladder or kidney disease should not be fed any dry food.Cats can thrive on a mixed diet of dry, canned or semi-moist, as long as it is complete and balanced. Dry diets are generally less expensive to feed than canned diets. It can be very difficult to control the build up of Tartar on your pet cats teeth, there are specific dry food treats for cats that can help tartar build-up.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Cat Nutrition

Cats' nutritional needs are very specific and the nutritional quality of cat food is one of the most important factors in cats' health and longevity. These resources will help you learn all you need to know about cat food labels, cat food ingredients, and the nutritional needs of cats.
The cat also needs certain nutrients made by the metabolic processes of other animals and not available in plant material. Dogs have a range of biochemical processes that convert nutrients from plant and animal sources into what they require - for example dogs can convert the carotenes found in fruit and vegetables into vitamin A. The cat cannot do this and must obtain vitamin A already preformed in animal sources. Cats ingest not only the flesh and organs of their prey but also the partially and wholly digested vegetable foods the prey had eaten. With the assistance of the prey's own digestive processes, the cat then is able to derive nutrition from various vegetable sources. Thus the cat is more than a carnivore -- the cat is an obligate carnivore. To survive the cat must eat meat.Hence, when some people want to feed their cats a diet consisting largely of vegetable matter for either economy or convenience or to fit in with their own preferences or ethical beliefs, they need to consider that the cat they love for its looks and behavior is as it is because it is a carnivore - a vegetarian cat would probably have developed to look like a rabbit!
Maltese Breed Information

For all their diminutive size, Maltese seem to be without fear. In fact, many Maltese seem relatively indifferent to creatures/objects larger than themselves, which makes them very easy to socialize with other dogs, and even cats. They love time with owners. This is because they were bred to be companion dogs and thrive on love and attention. They are extremely lively and playful, and even as a Maltese ages, his/her energy level and playful demeanor remain fairly constant and does not diminish much.
Maltese are very good with children and infants. Maltese do not require much physical exercise, although they should be walked daily to reduce problem behavior. They enjoy running and are more inclined to play games of chase, rather than play with toys. Some Maltese can occasionally be a little snappy with smaller children and should be supervised when playing, although socializing them at a young age will reduce this habit. The Maltese is very active within a house, and, preferring enclosed spaces, does very well with small yards. For this reason the breed also does well with apartments and townhouses, and is a prized pet of urban dwellers. They are incredibly friendly dogs to people they know.
Coat: The Maltese has an elegant mantle of long, silky hair. The coat is straight, lacks an undercoat, and is pure bright white in color. They are non-shedding. Their luxurious cloak of white is the hallmark of the Maltese.
Overview: The Maltese is considered to be the oldest of the European Toy breeds. Nobles, royals, and aristocracy favored them. They are very well mannered and affectionate. The Maltese displays a graceful and regal demeanor.
Character: The Maltese exudes great joy and delight. They are highly intelligent, animated, and playful. They are very social. They are happy and content being the center of attention whether they are with their family or in the show ring. This endearing breed is bright, loving, and a deeply devoted companion.
Temperament: The Maltese is gentle, trusting, and obedient. They are typically good natured and amiable and love to be held and cuddled. They will tolerate other pets, but are not suitable for inconsiderate or ill-behaved children. They most often will establish a close bond with one person. They do not do well when left alone for extended periods of time. They may be over-protective of their owner, family, and territory, and bark or bite if they perceive a threat. They are a fearless, vigorous, and agile breed. The Maltese commit themselves fully to their owner and families.
Care: The Maltese coat requires daily brushing and combing to prevent matting. The coat is extremely soft and silky, so gentle care is highly recommended. They need to be bathed or dry shampooed on a regular basis. The eyes need daily cleaning to prevent staining. It is also important to keep their ears clean and free from stray hair. They may be prone to eye problems, skin disorders, and respiratory problems. The Maltese do not do well in very hot climates or damp conditions. They may be finicky eaters and suffer indigestion. Dental hygiene is important to prevent tooth loss.
Training: The Maltese may be difficult to housebreak so crate training is recommended. They do best with early socialization. Training must never be harsh in nature. It must be done with gentle love, consistency, reward, and patience. They are adept at learning tricks. The Maltese does not need extensive obedience training, as they are naturally obedient to their Master.
Major concerns: noneMinor concerns: patellar luxation, open fontanel, hypoglycemia, hydrocephalus, distichiasis, entropionOccasionally seen: deafness, white shaker-dog syndromeSuggested tests: knee, (eye)Life span: 12-14 yearsMaltese are very good with children and infants. Maltese do not require much physical exercise, although they should be walked daily to reduce problem behavior. They enjoy running and are more inclined to play games of chase, rather than play with toys. Some Maltese can occasionally be a little snappy with smaller children and should be supervised when playing, although socializing them at a young age will reduce this habit. The Maltese is very active within a house, and, preferring enclosed spaces, does very well with small yards. For this reason the breed also does well with apartments and townhouses, and is a prized pet of urban dwellers. They are incredibly friendly dogs to people they know.
Coat: The Maltese has an elegant mantle of long, silky hair. The coat is straight, lacks an undercoat, and is pure bright white in color. They are non-shedding. Their luxurious cloak of white is the hallmark of the Maltese.
Overview: The Maltese is considered to be the oldest of the European Toy breeds. Nobles, royals, and aristocracy favored them. They are very well mannered and affectionate. The Maltese displays a graceful and regal demeanor.
Character: The Maltese exudes great joy and delight. They are highly intelligent, animated, and playful. They are very social. They are happy and content being the center of attention whether they are with their family or in the show ring. This endearing breed is bright, loving, and a deeply devoted companion.
Temperament: The Maltese is gentle, trusting, and obedient. They are typically good natured and amiable and love to be held and cuddled. They will tolerate other pets, but are not suitable for inconsiderate or ill-behaved children. They most often will establish a close bond with one person. They do not do well when left alone for extended periods of time. They may be over-protective of their owner, family, and territory, and bark or bite if they perceive a threat. They are a fearless, vigorous, and agile breed. The Maltese commit themselves fully to their owner and families.
Care: The Maltese coat requires daily brushing and combing to prevent matting. The coat is extremely soft and silky, so gentle care is highly recommended. They need to be bathed or dry shampooed on a regular basis. The eyes need daily cleaning to prevent staining. It is also important to keep their ears clean and free from stray hair. They may be prone to eye problems, skin disorders, and respiratory problems. The Maltese do not do well in very hot climates or damp conditions. They may be finicky eaters and suffer indigestion. Dental hygiene is important to prevent tooth loss.
Training: The Maltese may be difficult to housebreak so crate training is recommended. They do best with early socialization. Training must never be harsh in nature. It must be done with gentle love, consistency, reward, and patience. They are adept at learning tricks. The Maltese does not need extensive obedience training, as they are naturally obedient to their Master.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pet care

Pet health care involves paying quite some attention to your pets’ needs in addition to asking your vet some pertinent pet health questions. Of course pet health information can be had from the numerous numbers of internet sites but not many of them (such as the fly by night operators and web robos) are dependable. You need to take time from your daily grind to walk, exercise your pet apart from grooming, vaccinating and studying and selecting good quality pet food. We will examine the important nine steps to keep your pet healthy, in the following paragraphs
Walking your dog is the first thing in dog health care. Walking dog once in the morning and again in the late evening, after you returned from work is good for not just its health. Of course the dog can stretch his limbs a bit and relax going round the garden or street corners. But what matters more is that, this is the time he develops affection, obedience for you. Some dogs meet their fairer sexes, get cozy with them and get gratified. Looking at it from the health point of view, the much needed exercises to his joints and claws, rolling on all over the place; keep them in good steed for long time to come. Use a good quality collar and a leash. Leash without a collar is not advisable. Use a leather leash instead of chain slip leash.
Caring For Your Puppy
Getting a new puppy can be very exciting, but it brings with it the responsibility of providing new puppy care. Whether your puppy is a Pomeranian or a Chihuahua, puppy care needs to be thought about and acted upon, to make sure your puppy remains happy and healthy. This article will provide you with my puppy care tips to help you take good care of your new puppy dog.
Puppies need to eat a balanced diet that is made up of foods appropriate for puppies. There are foods available on the market that are specially made for puppies, and include all the necessary nutrients and foods that a puppy needs. However, it is not essential to buy special puppy food. Puppy owners can give their puppy a balanced, nutritious diet by feeding it natural foods. Some of the good foods for puppies are:
Chicken heart
Boiled rice
Cheese.If you decide to feed your dog natural home-made food, then you may need to talk to your veterinary surgeon about supplements. If a puppy is not getting enough calcium or vitamins, then supplements will be needed.Puppies should be fed at the same time and place each day. They will need four meals a day until they are four months old. After that they will need three meals a day until they are eight months old. They will need two meals a day until they are twelve months old, and then one meal a day after that.
Chicken heart
Boiled rice
Cheese.If you decide to feed your dog natural home-made food, then you may need to talk to your veterinary surgeon about supplements. If a puppy is not getting enough calcium or vitamins, then supplements will be needed.Puppies should be fed at the same time and place each day. They will need four meals a day until they are four months old. After that they will need three meals a day until they are eight months old. They will need two meals a day until they are twelve months old, and then one meal a day after that.
Dog and cats

Talking of cats, there are fifty-nine different breeds of them. They belong to Felis silvestris catus subspecies, which are mammals. Cats are domesticated carnivores that are generally small in stature and feline. There are evidences showing that man has kept cats in his association for 3500 years to keep mice and other rodents at bay to protect grains. No discussion on dogs is can probably be an exaggeration. Man has long acknowledged dogs of all breeds as his best companion. But there is no denying that you need a pet as a companion, for work, for herding or even plain time pass.
Cats, cuddly and cute as they are, have a feminine aspect to their character. Even in a male character, they are a female entity. Cats are incapable of labor much unlike other domesticated animals. Rather, they are perceived as toys. Several myths surround cats, which include cats as having nine lives. Another popular myth goes somewhat like this: stepping over a cat brings bad luck. Nevertheless, cats have mysterious attributes to their lives. Another attribute of cats is their night vision is better than humans’ are.
Dogs, on their part are capable of hard labor and integrity to their masters. Dogs are carnivorous like cats and are very ferocious in obeying their masters. Although dogs cannot recognize colors, they memorize things by their smells. You can groom dogs to suit every utility. Dogs infected by rabies can transmit it to humans by biting. Some of the bigger and stronger dogs can escape from their leash, too.
Dog Breed Information
Afghan Hound Breed Information
Coat: The Afghan Hound has a thick and silky coat with a very fine texture to it on the ribs, the legs, and hindquarters. There are many requirements for the coat, one being that it should never be trimmed, and should remain natural. The hair on the ears and feet are feathered.
Overview: The Afghan Hound has grown in popularity and makes a wonderful companion. Aloof, elegant and devoted, this breed is also very loyal but can be reserved around strangers. Socialization is a must for this breed.
Character: Gay, beautiful and intelligent, this breed is very often seen in the show ring. The Afghan Hound is very dignified but can be disobedient if not trained properly. Given the right home and family, this breed will become the light of your life.
Temperament: A very sweet, loyal and affectionate breed, the Afghan Hound is also very sensitive and should be treated as such. A very noble and courageous breed. They do well with older children and can do exceptionally well with other animals providing they are socialized around them.
Care: The Afghan's coat requires quite a bit of attention. Baths are necessary once a week to keep the coat from matting. Brushing the coat of this breed can make it more easily matted and can cause problems. Special grooming tools are required for this breed.
Training: Being that the Afghan Hound is sensitive, this breed must be trained gently, yet consistently. If not given the proper training and socialization, this breed can become destructive and disobedience. Obedience classes are recommended.
Activity: The Afghan Hound should always have a safe and fenced area to run. This breed should also have regular walks daily. Fresh water should always be available as this breed has a long coat, which can cause him to become hot. Thirty minutes of running per day is recommended.
Ownership: If you are looking for Afghan Hound puppies for sale from reputable Afghan Hound breeders or to adopt an Afghan Hound from an Afghan Hound rescue then make sure you understand as much about the dog breeds you are interested in as you can. Every puppy breed is different. Begin your research by reading the breed information about the Afghan Hound puppy above. Search our dog breeds section to find Afghan Hound puppies, dogs and puppies that make great pets.
Health Issues: This is generally a healthy and robust breed. There is potential for juvenile cataracts and possible hip dysplasia. They may also have a sensitivity to drugs, flea powders and tickicides. There have been rare cases of progressive paralysis. Cryptorchidism, monorchidism and heart problems may also pertain to this breed.
Life Span: 12 - 15 years.Litter Size: 6 - 8 puppies.
Care and Training: Afghan Hounds' coats need extensive grooming, daily grooming is recommended especially for mat removal. Bathing them two or three times per month, pay special attention to the ears. Afghan Hounds love to run. Daily exercise is needed, preferably morning and evening runs. They are difficult to train because of their independent nature. Intelligent they are, but they need a strong, committed owner. This will lead to a happy relationship in the household.Learning Rate: High. Obedience - Low. They are very independent in nature. Problem Solving - Very high.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Caring for your dog
When a dog reaches around seven years in age, he or she is considered a senior. Some people tend to let their older dogs not be as active as they once were. Giving them extra food and treats is a common occurrence. Getting older does not mean moving less, they just do not move the same way as they once did. Older dogs need to get out as often as possible, but the walks will be shorter. They may not have the same ability to hold their waste as long as they used to when younger.
Many pet food companies have food created specially for older dogs. Senior formulas must meet nutritional guidelines set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). These foods may be lower in fat and calories and contain water-soluble vitamins instead of fat-soluble. These foods may contain extra ingredients such as glucosamine and chondroitin, which are promoted to help joints. These dog foods should have a lower percentage of protein and more fiber to help the kidneys.
Owners need to pay close attention to their older dogs. Dogs show pain in different ways. They may get up and down slower, whimper more and seem less inclined to run and play. Arthritis is common as dogs get older. It can occur in any joint, but occurs most often in the legs and back. Veterinarians have many treatment options for arthritis. A thorough checkup at the vet's is a good option once your dog hits ages six or seven.
Around this age, most dogs starting graying around their head. Like humans, their hearing starts to fail. You may notice him jumping when coming from behind or not waking up when you call. Not much can be done for loss of hearing but dogs respond well to hand signals. As he ages, start cross training him using hand signs. He may need to be protected from dangers such as cars since he will not be able to hear them in time.
Another health concern that may affect older dogs is cataracts. Cataracts are white and opaque, causing a loss of vision. Another eye condition that will show up is a bluish or cloudy haze in the pupil. This is called lenticular sclerosis and is a normal part of aging. Their vision is not affected.
For many dog owners, it is assumed that proper nutrition is achieved through commercial dog food products. It is an easy assumption given the packaging claims of a balanced diet and the marketing ads that assure us we are giving our dogs the healthy choice they deserve. Even veterinarians seem to overwhelmingly advocate the conventional feeding of commercial dog foods. But conventional wisdom aside, the home cooking alternative is not nearly as radical as it might seem and it may, in fact, deliver the positive benefits we all want for our four-legged friends.
A home cooked diet for our dogs is actually a matter of logical thinking and thorough research. Like humans, dogs have specific nutritional needs and most of those needs are met through a well-balanced diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements generally cover any concerns over dietary deficiencies. It is important to know and understand your dog’s nutritional requirements before embarking on a home cooked diet. Since most of us are not nutritionists, we must turn to the experts. The information is readily available in dog nutrition books, the internet, or through a veterinarian that is open to holistic health management and home cooking.
Many pet food companies have food created specially for older dogs. Senior formulas must meet nutritional guidelines set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). These foods may be lower in fat and calories and contain water-soluble vitamins instead of fat-soluble. These foods may contain extra ingredients such as glucosamine and chondroitin, which are promoted to help joints. These dog foods should have a lower percentage of protein and more fiber to help the kidneys.
Owners need to pay close attention to their older dogs. Dogs show pain in different ways. They may get up and down slower, whimper more and seem less inclined to run and play. Arthritis is common as dogs get older. It can occur in any joint, but occurs most often in the legs and back. Veterinarians have many treatment options for arthritis. A thorough checkup at the vet's is a good option once your dog hits ages six or seven.
Around this age, most dogs starting graying around their head. Like humans, their hearing starts to fail. You may notice him jumping when coming from behind or not waking up when you call. Not much can be done for loss of hearing but dogs respond well to hand signals. As he ages, start cross training him using hand signs. He may need to be protected from dangers such as cars since he will not be able to hear them in time.
Another health concern that may affect older dogs is cataracts. Cataracts are white and opaque, causing a loss of vision. Another eye condition that will show up is a bluish or cloudy haze in the pupil. This is called lenticular sclerosis and is a normal part of aging. Their vision is not affected.
For many dog owners, it is assumed that proper nutrition is achieved through commercial dog food products. It is an easy assumption given the packaging claims of a balanced diet and the marketing ads that assure us we are giving our dogs the healthy choice they deserve. Even veterinarians seem to overwhelmingly advocate the conventional feeding of commercial dog foods. But conventional wisdom aside, the home cooking alternative is not nearly as radical as it might seem and it may, in fact, deliver the positive benefits we all want for our four-legged friends.
A home cooked diet for our dogs is actually a matter of logical thinking and thorough research. Like humans, dogs have specific nutritional needs and most of those needs are met through a well-balanced diet. Vitamin and mineral supplements generally cover any concerns over dietary deficiencies. It is important to know and understand your dog’s nutritional requirements before embarking on a home cooked diet. Since most of us are not nutritionists, we must turn to the experts. The information is readily available in dog nutrition books, the internet, or through a veterinarian that is open to holistic health management and home cooking.
types of cats

Cats are great companions for most people. However, some breeds are more appropriate for certain age groups and personality types. For example, some breeds are easier to handle than others. All breeds are usually appropriate for adults, but different types of cats can be better suited for each person's lifestyle and personal preferences.
Non-pedigree shorthairs, or domestic shorthairs can show any kind of coat, but certain coat colors and patterns are more common than others. They are sometimes found in pedigree cats too. The tabby and calico pages are the most popular here (that's my darling Coco in the thumbnail picture below).
Sadly, black cats are one of the least popular. These poor cats are unfairly maligned by cultural myths and superstition. They are simply beautiful cats who are sadly stereotyped in the same way that people stereotype each other based on skin color. They are cats like any other; however, to me, their dark solid coats look so....luxurious....elegant. Their coats usually have a beautiful sheen that makes them look like satin. Please have a look at the beautiful black cats and if you are looking to adopt, don't overlook them as so many people do., black cats are one of the least popular. These poor cats are unfairly maligned by cultural myths and superstition. They are simply beautiful cats who are sadly stereotyped in the same way that people stereotype each other based on skin color. They are cats like any other; however, to me, their dark solid coats look so....luxurious....elegant. Their coats usually have a beautiful sheen that makes them look like satin. Please have a look at the beautiful black cats and if you are looking to adopt, don't overlook them as so many people do.
Cat disease
Hairballs are not among the many endearing qualities of long-haired cats, but they are part of the package. How should you deal with them? Here are some answers.Hairballs, also called trichobezoar or fur balls, develop when a cat grooms herself with her tongue and ingests the hair. This hair forms into a mat or a ball within the digestive system and often leads to gastrointestinal symptoms, especially if it obstructs the pathway of food from the stomach. As it makes its way further into your cat's system, it can cause constipation.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a progressive and ultimately fatal disease of cats caused by a mutated coronavirus.Many cats are infected with a relatively benign form of the coronavirus but only in certain cats will the virus mutate to become pathologic (FIP). So this means that the corona virus in each individual cat can mutate (or not) into the FIP virus. Therefore, FIP is not horizontally transmitted (cat to cat).Previously, it was suggested that cats could transmit the disease to other cats by saliva, urine, and feces. It was also suggested that multi-cat households may increase the risk of disease. Recently, research has suggested that risk of virus transmission from an infected cat to other cats in the household very unlikely. Cats living with an FIP cat will be no more likely to have this mutation in the future than they otherwise would have been not being exposed to the FIP cat.
Cherry Eye in Cats
TreatmentMedical management involves the use of topical anti-inflammatory corticosteroid medications to decrease inflammation of the conjunctiva and the prolapsed gland. Medical management rarely results in return of the gland to a normal position.Surgical replacement of the gland is the recommended treatment. Complete removal of the gland may be performed, but predisposes the cat to a life of dry eye. The gland of the third eyelid is responsible for the production of around 35 percent of the watery tears, so removal of the gland may result in greatly diminished tear production
There is a 5 to 20 percent recurrence rate depending on the surgical procedure used, the size of the gland at the time of surgery, the duration of the prolapse, and the condition of the cartilage of the third eyelid. In general, if the gland is replaced quickly, is not too swollen or inflamed, and if the cartilage of the third eyelid is not bent, then the success rate is higher for surgical replacement. If only one side had prolapsed and was surgically replaced, continue to monitor the other eye for development of a cherry eye.Administer all medication as directed by your veterinarian and return for follow up as directed by your veterinarian. If the gland stays in place for one month following surgery, then the prognosis is good that it will not reprolapse. If the gland does prolapse again, a second surgical replacement may be attempted, or the gland may be removed.It is necessary to monitor tear production for sometime after the surgery to determine whether it will remain normal. The onset of dry eye may be delayed for months to years following prolapse of the gland. Signs of dry eye include thick, pussy discharge from the eye, redness to the conjunctiva and cloudiness of the cornea.
Hairballs are not among the many endearing qualities of long-haired cats, but they are part of the package. How should you deal with them? Here are some answers.Hairballs, also called trichobezoar or fur balls, develop when a cat grooms herself with her tongue and ingests the hair. This hair forms into a mat or a ball within the digestive system and often leads to gastrointestinal symptoms, especially if it obstructs the pathway of food from the stomach. As it makes its way further into your cat's system, it can cause constipation.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a progressive and ultimately fatal disease of cats caused by a mutated coronavirus.Many cats are infected with a relatively benign form of the coronavirus but only in certain cats will the virus mutate to become pathologic (FIP). So this means that the corona virus in each individual cat can mutate (or not) into the FIP virus. Therefore, FIP is not horizontally transmitted (cat to cat).Previously, it was suggested that cats could transmit the disease to other cats by saliva, urine, and feces. It was also suggested that multi-cat households may increase the risk of disease. Recently, research has suggested that risk of virus transmission from an infected cat to other cats in the household very unlikely. Cats living with an FIP cat will be no more likely to have this mutation in the future than they otherwise would have been not being exposed to the FIP cat.
Cherry Eye in Cats
TreatmentMedical management involves the use of topical anti-inflammatory corticosteroid medications to decrease inflammation of the conjunctiva and the prolapsed gland. Medical management rarely results in return of the gland to a normal position.Surgical replacement of the gland is the recommended treatment. Complete removal of the gland may be performed, but predisposes the cat to a life of dry eye. The gland of the third eyelid is responsible for the production of around 35 percent of the watery tears, so removal of the gland may result in greatly diminished tear production
There is a 5 to 20 percent recurrence rate depending on the surgical procedure used, the size of the gland at the time of surgery, the duration of the prolapse, and the condition of the cartilage of the third eyelid. In general, if the gland is replaced quickly, is not too swollen or inflamed, and if the cartilage of the third eyelid is not bent, then the success rate is higher for surgical replacement. If only one side had prolapsed and was surgically replaced, continue to monitor the other eye for development of a cherry eye.Administer all medication as directed by your veterinarian and return for follow up as directed by your veterinarian. If the gland stays in place for one month following surgery, then the prognosis is good that it will not reprolapse. If the gland does prolapse again, a second surgical replacement may be attempted, or the gland may be removed.It is necessary to monitor tear production for sometime after the surgery to determine whether it will remain normal. The onset of dry eye may be delayed for months to years following prolapse of the gland. Signs of dry eye include thick, pussy discharge from the eye, redness to the conjunctiva and cloudiness of the cornea.
Korat cat breeds
Korat cat breeds, names, food
The Korat is an ancient shorthaired breed named after a province of Thailand. These felines are graced with a silver-blue coat, originally derived from black, following dilution. Korats live for tranquility and will not tolerate excessive activity, noise and the coming and going of new faces. They will trust you completely, knowing that you know what is best for them.
Color: The short, close-lying coat is "rain-cloud gray" tipped in silver for a shimmering effect.Grooming: Like most shorthaired cats, the Korat requires very little grooming other than petting and occasional brushing to remove loose hair.Best Home: Korats are an excellent choice for people who live alone, although they will bond strongly to other cats and even dogs. Korats love to be physically close to their chosen people.Personality: This moderately active cat has strong likes and dislikes. It can be very territorial and will make a faithful, if demanding, companion. A heightened sense of hearing makes the Korat very sensitive to surrounding activities. Owners say Korats have a sense of humor and love to play with almost any toy.Appearance: The muscular, compact Korat weighs from 4 to 10 pounds and has a broad chest. Inside the heart-shaped outline of the head, a second heart can be traced from the chin, over the ridges of the eyebrows, dipping back down to the bridge of the nose. The nose should have a lion-like downward slope in profile. Oversized eyes are a luminous peridot green.
The Korat is an ancient shorthaired breed named after a province of Thailand. These felines are graced with a silver-blue coat, originally derived from black, following dilution. Korats live for tranquility and will not tolerate excessive activity, noise and the coming and going of new faces. They will trust you completely, knowing that you know what is best for them.
Color: The short, close-lying coat is "rain-cloud gray" tipped in silver for a shimmering effect.Grooming: Like most shorthaired cats, the Korat requires very little grooming other than petting and occasional brushing to remove loose hair.Best Home: Korats are an excellent choice for people who live alone, although they will bond strongly to other cats and even dogs. Korats love to be physically close to their chosen people.Personality: This moderately active cat has strong likes and dislikes. It can be very territorial and will make a faithful, if demanding, companion. A heightened sense of hearing makes the Korat very sensitive to surrounding activities. Owners say Korats have a sense of humor and love to play with almost any toy.Appearance: The muscular, compact Korat weighs from 4 to 10 pounds and has a broad chest. Inside the heart-shaped outline of the head, a second heart can be traced from the chin, over the ridges of the eyebrows, dipping back down to the bridge of the nose. The nose should have a lion-like downward slope in profile. Oversized eyes are a luminous peridot green.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
cat food

cat food is one of the most important expenses of feline guardianship, next to veterinary care. It is important also to note that proper diet can eliminate or delay veterinary expense for a number of serious medical conditions. The ultimate purpose of this series is to help you learn how to read cat food labels to make your decision process easier in choosing the best foods for your cat, but first we need to cover some of the basics.
Cat food is formulated to address the specific nutritional requirements of cats. Although cats are obligate carnivores, most commercial cat food contains both animal and plant material, supplemented with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. An important nutrient is the amino acid derivative taurine, as cats cannot synthesize the compound.
Protein from a meat, fish, or poultry source Taurine, an essential amino acid Certain other vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fatty acids Water
That's it, basically. Cats do not need carbohydrates, although corn, wheat, and/or rice are used as fillers for both canned and dry cat foods. Other ingredients, such as binders, flavoring, and coloring, are added by cat food manufacturers to satisfy the aesthetic wants of the consumer. Although preservatives are necessary, to keep foods fresh for our cats, canned food should not be allowed to remain out for any length of time, in any case.'s it, basically. Cats do not need carbohydrates, although corn, wheat, and/or rice are used as fillers for both canned and dry cat foods. Other ingredients, such as binders, flavoring, and coloring, are added by cat food manufacturers to satisfy the aesthetic wants of the consumer. Although preservatives are necessary, to keep foods fresh for our cats, canned food should not be allowed to remain out for any length of time, in any case.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Pet care
A pet parrot can be a fun and beautiful addition to your home, provided you know the right things about parrot care to keep your pet happy and healthy. But before you even start looking for your new pet, there are some things you need to know.
For example, did you know that sometimes you will see pet parrots for sale that were brought to the country illegally? And there are many different types of parrots, each needing its own care and environment.
Types of Pet ParrotsWhen you go to pet stores that sell parrots, you may be overwhelmed by the shear number of varieties to choose from. Many beautiful birds are called parrots, and knowing a little about each variety is a good way to start.
An important part of responsible pet ownership is making sure that your pet's health needs are met. You should consult your veterinarian whenever you have a question about your pet's health or welfare. It is also important that your veterinarian regularly sees your pet to keep you all living healthy and happy lives.
For example, did you know that sometimes you will see pet parrots for sale that were brought to the country illegally? And there are many different types of parrots, each needing its own care and environment.
Types of Pet ParrotsWhen you go to pet stores that sell parrots, you may be overwhelmed by the shear number of varieties to choose from. Many beautiful birds are called parrots, and knowing a little about each variety is a good way to start.
An important part of responsible pet ownership is making sure that your pet's health needs are met. You should consult your veterinarian whenever you have a question about your pet's health or welfare. It is also important that your veterinarian regularly sees your pet to keep you all living healthy and happy lives.
Dog hip
Many dogs today develop a condition called hip dysplasia. There are an increasing number of qualified veternarians out there that are becoming very good at rectifying the hip problems that many dogs develop. There is a lot of informantion to be found about the different surgeries and their pros and cons. However, it is not very easy information to locate and can be confusing to sift through when trying to make a decision about which surgery to have and what will be best for your dog.
Many animal professionals agreee that the hips of dogs should be tested within the first two years of their life. This is because, if they should need surgery, they are still in the growth stage, with plenty of energy for rehabiliation exercises.
There are essentially three types of surgeries that are possible. The list from least invasive to most invasive are femoral head, triple pelvic osteotomy, and total hip replacement.
Femoral head is a process where the vet goes in, cuts off the tops of the ball from the ball and socket joint on the femor bone and finishes. The trick to this surgery is the rehabiliation. Through excercise, the muscles develop around the joint and take over all the action. Essentially there is no longer any hip joint. Nothing is connected besides the muscles around the hip.
The positives of this surgery include the lower cost which is between $1000. and $2000. depending on your vet and the recouperation time. Also, the bones will no longer rub against each other so they will never get arthritis in that area later on in life. Other pluses are that no foreign materials like implants or cement are used so the likelihood of infection is less.
The negative of the surgery is the time needed to exercise the dog after the surgery. Walks with a sling under the belly, and hip extension exercises while held down are very intensive for at least 6-10 weeks after the surgery. Continued excercise will help and increase the muscles more every day. After that, stair climbing and running will most likely be possible after about 3 to 6 months and normal life will be led.
The next surgery possibility is a triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO). In this surgery the vet cuts the pelvis in 4 places, rotates out the socket and pelvis to more firmly meet the ball of the joint and then inserts 2 plates screwed into the pelvis to hold everything in place.
The positives are that after recovery, the exercises and stretching are less extensive. The joints are now put into the place where they should have been all along.
Many animal professionals agreee that the hips of dogs should be tested within the first two years of their life. This is because, if they should need surgery, they are still in the growth stage, with plenty of energy for rehabiliation exercises.
There are essentially three types of surgeries that are possible. The list from least invasive to most invasive are femoral head, triple pelvic osteotomy, and total hip replacement.
Femoral head is a process where the vet goes in, cuts off the tops of the ball from the ball and socket joint on the femor bone and finishes. The trick to this surgery is the rehabiliation. Through excercise, the muscles develop around the joint and take over all the action. Essentially there is no longer any hip joint. Nothing is connected besides the muscles around the hip.
The positives of this surgery include the lower cost which is between $1000. and $2000. depending on your vet and the recouperation time. Also, the bones will no longer rub against each other so they will never get arthritis in that area later on in life. Other pluses are that no foreign materials like implants or cement are used so the likelihood of infection is less.
The negative of the surgery is the time needed to exercise the dog after the surgery. Walks with a sling under the belly, and hip extension exercises while held down are very intensive for at least 6-10 weeks after the surgery. Continued excercise will help and increase the muscles more every day. After that, stair climbing and running will most likely be possible after about 3 to 6 months and normal life will be led.
The next surgery possibility is a triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO). In this surgery the vet cuts the pelvis in 4 places, rotates out the socket and pelvis to more firmly meet the ball of the joint and then inserts 2 plates screwed into the pelvis to hold everything in place.
The positives are that after recovery, the exercises and stretching are less extensive. The joints are now put into the place where they should have been all along.
Pregnant Dog Symptoms
The dog is a man's best friend. It is essential for a person to have a pet if he or she is wishes selfless companionship. Small dogs, though not as tough as strong as the bigger dogs, do offer companionship and are more interesting to have. It's not for nothing that these dogs are sometimes called companion dogs, as these dogs are mainly used for companionship as a pet, and not the other attributes of a dog such as safety and security. Apart from companion dogs, there are other smaller dogs, termed as toy dogs that are used strictly for companionship. Here is some information on the different types of small dogs.
Dog Pregnancy Symptoms There are certain signs and symptoms, from which you know about dog pregnancy. Knowing the pregnant dog symptoms, you will be able to take care of your dog. For the first three weeks of dog’s pregnancy, you might not notice any symptoms. The pregnancy symptoms can be divided into different stages. Here are some symptoms of pregnant dog: Early Signs Reduced appetite is one of the earliest signs of dog pregnancy. The dog feels exhaust easily and becomes less active during gestation. It happens because there are certain changes in the hormonal levels to support the process of embryo production. Growth of nipples is another good indication of dog pregnancy. The nipples of unbred female dog are quite small and the area beneath them is flat. Once the pregnancy is in progress, the breast material is developed beneath the nipples to prepare for eventual milk production. You can also notice some behavioral changes in most female dogs during the pregnancy period. They either show affectionate behavior or desire to be left alone. Progressing Signs After one month of pregnancy, the dog shows some progressive signs. You will notice an increase in appetite and decrease after ending the heat period. There is a remarkable weight gain and the dog’s abdomen becomes thick. If you gently check the abdomen, you will find it firm and thick.
Dog Pregnancy Symptoms There are certain signs and symptoms, from which you know about dog pregnancy. Knowing the pregnant dog symptoms, you will be able to take care of your dog. For the first three weeks of dog’s pregnancy, you might not notice any symptoms. The pregnancy symptoms can be divided into different stages. Here are some symptoms of pregnant dog: Early Signs Reduced appetite is one of the earliest signs of dog pregnancy. The dog feels exhaust easily and becomes less active during gestation. It happens because there are certain changes in the hormonal levels to support the process of embryo production. Growth of nipples is another good indication of dog pregnancy. The nipples of unbred female dog are quite small and the area beneath them is flat. Once the pregnancy is in progress, the breast material is developed beneath the nipples to prepare for eventual milk production. You can also notice some behavioral changes in most female dogs during the pregnancy period. They either show affectionate behavior or desire to be left alone. Progressing Signs After one month of pregnancy, the dog shows some progressive signs. You will notice an increase in appetite and decrease after ending the heat period. There is a remarkable weight gain and the dog’s abdomen becomes thick. If you gently check the abdomen, you will find it firm and thick.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Cat taining
Litter Box TrainingIt's important to make sure that you train the cat correctly in the first place. As a kitten, every time that she looks like she's about to crouch or she starts sniffing near a corner (classic signs of oncoming urination or defecation), pick her up and put her in the litter box. Also, first thing in the morning, put your kitten in the litter box. Kittens learn extremely quickly.The most important reason why a cat stops using litter box is that the litter box may not be clean. Make sure that you clean the litter box every day, and completely change all the litter and wash the box out at least once a week. That will help encourage your cat.Unless a cat is not fully trained in the toilet habits, don't let her a free run of your house. Keep her confined to a small area.
Cats never shit where they eat, so put her food bowl near wherever she had the accident.Don't punish a cat after she had made the mistake. That will make the cat fearful of you. Scolding and then taking the cat to litter box after she has eliminated will make her to associate litter box with punishment.Reward your cat for eliminating in the litter box. In order to do so you must be present there at the time when she eliminates. You need to have an idea when the cat urinates or defecates. Most cats eliminate after waking, eating and exercise. To help predict the toilet behavior of the cat feed her at regular times. Praise her whenever she litters in litter box.
Cats never shit where they eat, so put her food bowl near wherever she had the accident.Don't punish a cat after she had made the mistake. That will make the cat fearful of you. Scolding and then taking the cat to litter box after she has eliminated will make her to associate litter box with punishment.Reward your cat for eliminating in the litter box. In order to do so you must be present there at the time when she eliminates. You need to have an idea when the cat urinates or defecates. Most cats eliminate after waking, eating and exercise. To help predict the toilet behavior of the cat feed her at regular times. Praise her whenever she litters in litter box.
stray cat no longer homeless
That describes life for the 44-pound New Jersey cat who became an overnight sensation.
The porky feline was found in late July waddling around without a collar in Voorhees, and was taken to the Camden County Animal Shelter. A vet has found “Prince Chunk” healthy aside from his weight. The big cat doesn’t have a thyroid condition, after all.
The vet also has prescribed a high-protein, low-carb diet for the tubby tabby, who is within three pounds of the heaviest on record.
The largest tabby on record weighed 46 pounds, 15 ounces. That cat, who lived in Australia, died in the 1980s. The Guinness World Records has since dropped the category, fearing cat owners might harm their animals in an attempt to break the record.
Some 400 people applied to adopt the 10-year-old cat who once was called “Powder.” His owner lost her home to foreclosure.
New York’s Daily News reports the Camden County Animal Shelter has selected a south Jersey family who already has two cats.
“Prince Chunk” is to move next week.
The porky feline was found in late July waddling around without a collar in Voorhees, and was taken to the Camden County Animal Shelter. A vet has found “Prince Chunk” healthy aside from his weight. The big cat doesn’t have a thyroid condition, after all.
The vet also has prescribed a high-protein, low-carb diet for the tubby tabby, who is within three pounds of the heaviest on record.
The largest tabby on record weighed 46 pounds, 15 ounces. That cat, who lived in Australia, died in the 1980s. The Guinness World Records has since dropped the category, fearing cat owners might harm their animals in an attempt to break the record.
Some 400 people applied to adopt the 10-year-old cat who once was called “Powder.” His owner lost her home to foreclosure.
New York’s Daily News reports the Camden County Animal Shelter has selected a south Jersey family who already has two cats.
“Prince Chunk” is to move next week.
Names for Kittens
Choosing a name for your beautiful new kitten or cat can be difficult - especially if you want an interesting name or one that has particular meaning.Try to avoid choosing a long name, as it is likely to be abbreviated. Consider how the name would be shortened and whether you like the shortened form.It is also important to consider whether you will be comfortable calling out the name, or if not you, other members of the household. AppearanceLooking at your kittens coloring or coat pattern, what words come to mind? Grey cats might suggest Smokey or Misty. Calico cats might suggest Patchwork or Cookie. Books and FilmWho are your favorite book or movie characters? Who are your favorite authors? Names like Sherlock or Agatha may appeal if you like mysteries. Dickens or Bronte? Harry or Hermione? If you like older films, maybe Groucho or Harpo. You could surely create a huge list of possibilities here.
. PairsIf you are naming a pair of kittens, consider famous couples or duos such as Sonny and Cher, Oscar and Lucinda, Simon and Garfunkle, Napoleon and Josephine, Torville and Dean, Rain and Bow, Adam and Eve, Fish and Chips, Salt and Vinegar, Abbott and Costello. SportSport stars offer lots of name possibilities. If you're into tennis, you might like Sampras, McEnroe, Agassi, Stefi or Martina. Boxing fans might like Ali or Hurricane. Soccer enthusiasts might like Beckham or Pele. FashionFashion designers and models provide good possibilities for your kitten's name. Dior, Chanel, Coco, Armani, Tyra, Claudia, Giselle, Prada, Hugo, Gucci, Cartier, Fendi, Dolce, Tiffany, Zegna, Ray Bands, Hermes, Lacroix, Givenchy, Hermes.
. PairsIf you are naming a pair of kittens, consider famous couples or duos such as Sonny and Cher, Oscar and Lucinda, Simon and Garfunkle, Napoleon and Josephine, Torville and Dean, Rain and Bow, Adam and Eve, Fish and Chips, Salt and Vinegar, Abbott and Costello. SportSport stars offer lots of name possibilities. If you're into tennis, you might like Sampras, McEnroe, Agassi, Stefi or Martina. Boxing fans might like Ali or Hurricane. Soccer enthusiasts might like Beckham or Pele. FashionFashion designers and models provide good possibilities for your kitten's name. Dior, Chanel, Coco, Armani, Tyra, Claudia, Giselle, Prada, Hugo, Gucci, Cartier, Fendi, Dolce, Tiffany, Zegna, Ray Bands, Hermes, Lacroix, Givenchy, Hermes.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Dog barking
One way to make enemies in a neighborhood is to own a barking dog. A dog that throws itself, madly barking, against the door whenever it hears footsteps outside, or a door being shut, or a door bell, and it might be somebody else's door, can drive anybody to a nervous breakdown.
It is fortunate that not all dogs are barkers. Barking is, of course, a manifestation of the dog's instinct to defend itself and its territory, but is a nuisance which you must try to prevent as early as possible. It is time consuming and you might even have to sacrifice a few days of your holidays to stay at home and devote yourself to solving this problem. It certainly is a problem and it gets worse the longer you put off doing something about it.!A7B74AFE8C331C07!140.entry The dog's reaction is always triggered by a certain stimuli-in this case a certain noise outside the door-and you always have that short reaction time to try to intervene.
Most experts on dogs will tell you that separation anxiety is the most important cause of excessive barking. If you spend a lot of time with him on the weekends and then work all week and just tend to his needs such as food and water he will continue to feel anxious. Your dog may just feel
neglected. Puppies and even adult dogs grow very attached to their families and require a lot of love and attention.
Some dogs will bark to protect their territory such as their yard and bark when they think someone strange is entering their territory. Dogs can be very protective of their homes. When a dog barks as a person walks on the
sidewalk in front of their home then passes on by they feel that they have been successful in getting that person away from their territory. Once a dog has been successful in scaring away an intruder, then he is more motivated
to bark again when another person walks by his territory. He is just trying to protect his own turf.
Some breeds of dogs are prone to barking more than others, usually Dobermans and Rottweilers bark very little and Beagles and Terriors are big barkers.
Especially young dogs like to bark also as they are usually very alert and responsive to noises and other people or animals. The larger and slower dogs bark less than the smaller ones and the fast ones.
It is fortunate that not all dogs are barkers. Barking is, of course, a manifestation of the dog's instinct to defend itself and its territory, but is a nuisance which you must try to prevent as early as possible. It is time consuming and you might even have to sacrifice a few days of your holidays to stay at home and devote yourself to solving this problem. It certainly is a problem and it gets worse the longer you put off doing something about it.!A7B74AFE8C331C07!140.entry The dog's reaction is always triggered by a certain stimuli-in this case a certain noise outside the door-and you always have that short reaction time to try to intervene.
Most experts on dogs will tell you that separation anxiety is the most important cause of excessive barking. If you spend a lot of time with him on the weekends and then work all week and just tend to his needs such as food and water he will continue to feel anxious. Your dog may just feel
neglected. Puppies and even adult dogs grow very attached to their families and require a lot of love and attention.
Some dogs will bark to protect their territory such as their yard and bark when they think someone strange is entering their territory. Dogs can be very protective of their homes. When a dog barks as a person walks on the
sidewalk in front of their home then passes on by they feel that they have been successful in getting that person away from their territory. Once a dog has been successful in scaring away an intruder, then he is more motivated
to bark again when another person walks by his territory. He is just trying to protect his own turf.
Some breeds of dogs are prone to barking more than others, usually Dobermans and Rottweilers bark very little and Beagles and Terriors are big barkers.
Especially young dogs like to bark also as they are usually very alert and responsive to noises and other people or animals. The larger and slower dogs bark less than the smaller ones and the fast ones.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Dogs and chocolate

How much chocolate will kill a dog? Part of equation has to include the age and health of your pet. If your dog is twelve years old and does not get around as well as it did in the past, a smaller amount of chocolate might be lethal to it than it might have been if your pet was two years old and spending the day chasing cats and birds. In general, theobromine is toxic to dogs when dogs eat one hundred to one hundred and fifty milligrams of it.
How much chocolate is this it real terms? To be on the “safe” side, consider one hundred milligrams of theobromine to be toxic. After all the math is done, roughly twelve ounces of milk chocolate is going to be very dangerous for a twelve pound dog or one ounce of milk chocolate for every pound that a dog weighs. If your dog weighs thirty-six pounds, eating twelve ounces of semi-sweet chocolate will get your canine very ill. The ratio for semi-sweet chocolate is one ounce for every three pounds your pet weighs. If your eighteen pound dog gets into your bakers chocolate, it will only take two ounces of bakers chocolate for the theobromine to be in the toxic range, or a ratio of one ounce to every nine pounds that your pet weighs. Remember that dogs do not seem to taste bitterness, so that even though bakers chocolate does not taste go to you, your pet will still think it a treat. White chocolate will make your dog sick because of the fat content long before the toxic levels of theobromine are reached, but still should be avoided as a treat for your pooch.
What are the symptoms of chocolate poisoning? Your dog might start to vomit or have diarrhea. It might start to tremble for no reason, be over-excited, or actually start to have seizures. It may fall into a coma and ultimately die. The best thing to do for your pet is to get it to your veterinarian within two hours of the ingestion.
How much chocolate is this it real terms? To be on the “safe” side, consider one hundred milligrams of theobromine to be toxic. After all the math is done, roughly twelve ounces of milk chocolate is going to be very dangerous for a twelve pound dog or one ounce of milk chocolate for every pound that a dog weighs. If your dog weighs thirty-six pounds, eating twelve ounces of semi-sweet chocolate will get your canine very ill. The ratio for semi-sweet chocolate is one ounce for every three pounds your pet weighs. If your eighteen pound dog gets into your bakers chocolate, it will only take two ounces of bakers chocolate for the theobromine to be in the toxic range, or a ratio of one ounce to every nine pounds that your pet weighs. Remember that dogs do not seem to taste bitterness, so that even though bakers chocolate does not taste go to you, your pet will still think it a treat. White chocolate will make your dog sick because of the fat content long before the toxic levels of theobromine are reached, but still should be avoided as a treat for your pooch.
What are the symptoms of chocolate poisoning? Your dog might start to vomit or have diarrhea. It might start to tremble for no reason, be over-excited, or actually start to have seizures. It may fall into a coma and ultimately die. The best thing to do for your pet is to get it to your veterinarian within two hours of the ingestion.
Also, keep in mind that chocolate has a half-life of seventeen and one half hours. This means that only half of the chocolate your pet ate will be out of its system after this time period has passed. If your dog gets into chocolate twice within a twenty-four hour period, it could still be in danger because not all of the chocolate that it ate the first time has worked its way through your pet’s body.
So, do not encourage your dog to eat chocolate in any form. Once dogs develop a taste for chocolate, they will want to eat it. And remember the next time you leave that twelve ounce package of semi-sweet chocolate out before you make chocolate chip cookies that you had better keep an eye on your dog, because your dog is probably going to be keeping an eye on that package of chocolate chips.
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