Bombay Breed Information
The Bombay Cats coat is close lying. fine. satin-like and and shiny. The coat length is short. The eyes are large and set far apart. In the United States the Bombay Cats eye color may be from gold to copper. In the United Kingdom the Bombay Cats eye color may be gold. yellow to green. The ears are wide at the bottom. set well apart. tilting slightly forward with rounded tips. The head has no angles and is rounded with a full face and short. snub nose. The muzzle is rounded with a firm chin. The legs are proportionate to the body and the tail is straight. The Bombay Cats are a medium sized cat that is muscular.
Chartreux Breed Information
The Charteux Cats have a coat that is medium short. soft. and dense. The texture is slightly woolly with a resilient undercoat. The eyes are large. open. and round. The colors can vary from copper to gold. but orange is ideal. The head is rounded and large with full cheeks. short nose. and a narrow muzzle on a short neck. The ears are medium in size and set high and straight. The body is well muscled with broad shoulders and straight. sturdy legs. The tail is heavy at its base and tapers to the end. The Charteux females are medium size and the males are larger. -
Egyptian Mau Breed Information
The Egyptian Mau Cats coat pattern is random and may vary in shape and size of spots. These cats comes in three different colors. The Silver Egyptian Mau Cats are a pale silver ground color. These markings are on the head. shoulders. outside of the legs. back and on the tail. The undercoat is usually white to pale silver. The markings are a charcoal color. The Bronze Egyptian Mau Cats are a warm bronze ground. These markings are on the head. shoulders. outside of the legs. back and on the tail. The darkest of these areas are on the back area with lightening on the side to a tawny-buff and fading into a creamy ivory. The undercoat is usually brown. The markings are a dark brown-black color. The Smoke Egyptian Mau Cats are a pale silver ground color. These markings are on the head. shoulders. legs. and tail and include the underside of the cat. The hairs are usually black tipped. The markings are black. The undercoat is a white to pale silver. The Egyptian Mau may also come in several colors that are not eligible for showing. These colors include solid Black. Blue Silver. Blue spotted or dilute bronze. Blue Smoke. and solid Blue.
Havana Brown Breed Information
The Havana Brown cats are a rich. warm brown color. The brown is more of a red-brown than a black-brown and the whiskers are brown and turn white with age. The kittens and adolescents may have ghost tabby markings. -
Javanese Breed Information
The Javanese cats were developed from the Siamese. Colorpoint Shorthairs and Balinese about 1978. The product was a new color Balinese cat or Balinese in Colorpoint colors. The Cat Fanciers Association did not recognize these new colors and points of the Balinese because the Balinese breed just had the four-color groups. In 1979 they were turned down by the CFA but were told that they would accept registration under a new breed name. The name of Javanese was created because of the closeness of the island of Java next to Bali. This breed was recognized as the Javanese in 1979 and began doing shows. The standard by which they follow is the same as the Balinese. By 1986 Championship status was granted to the Javanese.