Monday, May 11, 2009

Pregnancy and Birth in Cats

How long does a cat pregnancy last? What is the average litter size? How should orphan kittens be raised? Find answers to these and other questions on normal cat pregnancies, fetal development, birth, and care of the newborn kittens.

Your cat can be pregnant for 60-67 days. The easiest way to remember is that humans are pregnant for nine months and cats are pregnant for nine weeks. During this gestation period your cat will gain weight and you will begin to see her stomach swelling. Usually this will begin around the fourth week.

Around two days before your cat gives birth their mammary glands will grow in size and will begin to produce milk. Her appetite will begin to drop and her temperature will decrease close to 99 degrees. She will become restless and will be desperately trying to finish her nesting. She may also begin to vomit and you may notice some vaginal discharge before the contractions start.