Monday, October 6, 2008

Bathing baby

Keeping your baby clean is vital to their health. That's why it's important for you to bathe them regularly and in the proper manner.
If your baby isn't crawling yet, it's advisable to give them a bath 2 or 3 times a week, generally at a time when they are calm and not after they've eaten.
You should, however, clean their hands, neck, face, and bottom every day.
Because babies have sensitive skin, bathe them in water that is warm and definitely not hot. That means you should put the water in the tub before you put the baby in so you can test the water temperature.
You should normally put no more than 5 cm (2 inches) of water in the tub when bathing an infant. But infants can drown even in less than 5 cm of water, so never leave your baby alone while they're in water!
Doctors suggest washing the cleanest areas first and then progressing to the dirty areas, in order to keep the washcloth cleaner longer. Rinse well after washing. Areas to be especially gentle with include the face, genitals, neck, ears, and folds of skin.
Mild soap should be applied to the baby's skin only once or twice a week and shampooing should also be done once or twice a week.
Only wash the outside of the baby's ear and do not put anything inside the ear, like a Q-tip.
When you're done washing your baby, use a soft towel to dry them.
Nutrition is vital to your baby's development, especially during the first year of life. So what and how should babies be fed during that crucial newborn period?
Health professionals emphasize the nutritional advantages of breast-feeding infants, especially for the first 6 to 12 months. Breast milk is tailor-made for a baby's digestive system and is rich in antibodies, which help to ward off bacteria and viruses. And over the course of a baby's development, the breast milk will alter its composition to suit the baby's nutritional needs.
Once the baby starts eating solid foods, at around 6 months, continue breast-feeding as well. Doctors believe babies' health will benefit greatly if they receive a mix of breast milk with solid foods in the period between 6 months and one year of age.
However, while breast milk is considered the best option for a baby's health, not all mothers can - or want to - feed their child in this way. The other option is iron-fortified formula.
But while formulas are aimed at mirroring breast milk in terms of composition and nutritional advantages for babies, they are not identical to breast milk. Should you choose a formula, be sure that it is fortified with iron and contains necessary vitamins and minerals. Check with your doctor to learn which formula is most appropriate for your baby.
Doctors generally recommend that you do not give cow's milk to infants 12 months old or younger. For babies, cow's milk is difficult to digest and does not provide enough nutrition.
Whether you're breast-feeding, using formula or a combination of both, it is recommended that babies be fed with either or both for the first 9 to 12 months of their lives.