Even though there may be no single right method of instruction, there definitely can be wrong methods of teaching for a particular dog.
When you see someone with an extremely well trained dog, do you wonder how he or she ever did it? In your mind are you imagining the hours and hours that must have been spent getting this dog to behave so well? If so, you may be surprised to learn that you can have a well-trained dog in just 15 minutes a day if you follow a few basic rules as described below.
Contrary to popular belief, the most important part of training a dog is not the time you put in, but rather consistency. Before you start training your dog, be certain of what you want and the commands that you will use, and then never waiver. If you tell your dog to sit and they don’t, go to them and make them sit. If you tell your dog to stay and they don’t, take them back to the exact spot they were in. Don’t repeat yourself over and over when using commands. You might be saying “SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!” Yet all your dog is hearing is, “I don’t really need to listen when you tell me something the first time.” For a dog to listen to you, they need to see you as their leader, of the alpha dog. The alpha only asks nicely once, if they don’t get what they want, they make this known. This does not mean go hit your dog of they don’t listen. Yet rather, if your dog does not come the first time they are called, don’t ask again, but walk over to them and bring them to the spot you were in, they will get the idea. If you make it clear that you will get what you want, your dog will give it to you willingly and happily.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Cat health
Cat illnesses are almost a guaranteed part of your cat's life. The important thing is to be able to recognise when you are dealing with cat illnesses and what to do about them, although this isn't always an easy task. For example, a sneezing cat may have the cold, or it may just need to clear its nose. Diarrhoea may be a result of a change in diet rather than contracting one of the cat illnesses that causes diarrhoea.
Knowing how a healthy cat looks and behaves is the best starting point for recognising cat illnesses. A healthy cat is playful, energetic, alert and highly responsive. It will enjoy playing, jumping and chasing, and feeding time will make it show signs of excitement. It will also have an air of self-confidence and contentment.
The most common infectious disease of cats seen in veterinary clinics is the upper respiratory infection complex, or URI. This is like a cold in humans, and can be caused by a number of viruses. These viruses are spread easily from cat to cat, and are most often seen in animals from shelters, where there is a high concentration of cats. The virus causes sneezing, runny eyes and nose, and fever. Like a cold, it takes several days to recover from an upper respiratory infection. Any cat suffering from an upper respiratory infection should be seen by a veterinarian. There is a vaccination available to prevent the most common upper respiratory viruses.
Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV, or Feline AIDS) are two deadly viruses spread by close cat to cat contact, especially bite wounds. These viruses only affect cats, not humans. Like the AIDS virus in people, these viruses cause disease long after infection, sometimes years. A vaccination is available to prevent Feline Leukemia Virus but not FIV. The best prevention against these deadly diseases is to keep your cat indoors, away from contact with stray cats.
Knowing how a healthy cat looks and behaves is the best starting point for recognising cat illnesses. A healthy cat is playful, energetic, alert and highly responsive. It will enjoy playing, jumping and chasing, and feeding time will make it show signs of excitement. It will also have an air of self-confidence and contentment.
The most common infectious disease of cats seen in veterinary clinics is the upper respiratory infection complex, or URI. This is like a cold in humans, and can be caused by a number of viruses. These viruses are spread easily from cat to cat, and are most often seen in animals from shelters, where there is a high concentration of cats. The virus causes sneezing, runny eyes and nose, and fever. Like a cold, it takes several days to recover from an upper respiratory infection. Any cat suffering from an upper respiratory infection should be seen by a veterinarian. There is a vaccination available to prevent the most common upper respiratory viruses.
Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV, or Feline AIDS) are two deadly viruses spread by close cat to cat contact, especially bite wounds. These viruses only affect cats, not humans. Like the AIDS virus in people, these viruses cause disease long after infection, sometimes years. A vaccination is available to prevent Feline Leukemia Virus but not FIV. The best prevention against these deadly diseases is to keep your cat indoors, away from contact with stray cats.
Why Teeth Whitening
Most of us start out with sparkling white teeth, thanks to their porcelain-like enamel surface. Composed of microscopic crystalline rods, tooth enamel is designed to protect the teeth from the effects of chewing, gnashing, trauma and acid attacks caused by sugar. But over the years enamel is worn down, becoming more transparent and permitting the yellow color of dentin — the tooth’s core material — to show through.
During routine chewing, dentin remains intact while millions of micro-cracks occur in the enamel. It is these cracks, as well as the spaces between the crystalline enamel rods, that gradually fill up with stains and debris. As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.
How much whiter will my teeth look?
This varies from individual to individual and also the type of whitening system used. Some people respond very well to teeth whitening and have dramatic whitening results whereas others may notice very little difference at all. Your dentist will be able to advise you on the likely results expected with your teeth.
Tooth whitening has been made simple due to the achievement of modern lifestyle. momentarily, it is included in a wide variety of products and not necessarily expensive ones only. Browsing the local drugstore dental hygiene aisle shows tooth paste with whitening, teeth whitening gels and special tooth whitening treatments. All these procedures have varying time periods before a change is seen in tooth appearance. It can range anywhere from14 days to a several months. Of course, this is all over-the-counter treatment and is supposed to be cost efficient, not fast. http://hengshui.aimoo.com
When looking for a great tooth whitening experience, talk to your dentist to get some products. There are some highly effective products that a professional can discuss with you and they can help you find the right one for you. If you have the cash, talk to your dentist, otherwise opt for the drugstore.
During routine chewing, dentin remains intact while millions of micro-cracks occur in the enamel. It is these cracks, as well as the spaces between the crystalline enamel rods, that gradually fill up with stains and debris. As a result, the teeth eventually develop a dull, lackluster appearance.
How much whiter will my teeth look?
This varies from individual to individual and also the type of whitening system used. Some people respond very well to teeth whitening and have dramatic whitening results whereas others may notice very little difference at all. Your dentist will be able to advise you on the likely results expected with your teeth.
Tooth whitening has been made simple due to the achievement of modern lifestyle. momentarily, it is included in a wide variety of products and not necessarily expensive ones only. Browsing the local drugstore dental hygiene aisle shows tooth paste with whitening, teeth whitening gels and special tooth whitening treatments. All these procedures have varying time periods before a change is seen in tooth appearance. It can range anywhere from14 days to a several months. Of course, this is all over-the-counter treatment and is supposed to be cost efficient, not fast. http://hengshui.aimoo.com
When looking for a great tooth whitening experience, talk to your dentist to get some products. There are some highly effective products that a professional can discuss with you and they can help you find the right one for you. If you have the cash, talk to your dentist, otherwise opt for the drugstore.
Friday, October 24, 2008
healthy pregnancy
At least 4 months ahead
Book a pre-conception appointment with the midwife attached to your GP surgery. She will offer general advice about preparing for a pregnancy and will take some blood to check immunity against german measles (Rubella).It's likely you were immunised against Rubella in your teens, but not all women get lasting immunity, so it?s best to check. If you are not immune, the midwife can vaccinate you, but it is important to continue with reliable contraception for 3 months after the.
Start taking folic acid 400mcg daily. This should be started as soon as you stop contraception, and continued until you are 12 weeks pregnant. It reduces the risk of having a baby with spina bifida.
If you are significantly overweight, try to get your weight down before getting pregnant. Obesity can reduce fertility, and those who do get pregnant are at greater risk of developing diabetes in pregnancy.
Stop smoking. Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature labour, and low birth weight babies. Your surgery should be able to put you in touch with a `stop smoking' service.
If you are taking any drugs, either prescribed, over the counter, or recreational, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice about their safety in early pregnancy. Many occasional use medications and over the counter products can be bad for developing babies. Some prescribed medications such as epilepsy medication and some anti-depressant treatments can cause foetal abnormalities if taken in pregnancy. It may be necessary to make some changes before conceiving.
Book a pre-conception appointment with the midwife attached to your GP surgery. She will offer general advice about preparing for a pregnancy and will take some blood to check immunity against german measles (Rubella).It's likely you were immunised against Rubella in your teens, but not all women get lasting immunity, so it?s best to check. If you are not immune, the midwife can vaccinate you, but it is important to continue with reliable contraception for 3 months after the.
Start taking folic acid 400mcg daily. This should be started as soon as you stop contraception, and continued until you are 12 weeks pregnant. It reduces the risk of having a baby with spina bifida.
If you are significantly overweight, try to get your weight down before getting pregnant. Obesity can reduce fertility, and those who do get pregnant are at greater risk of developing diabetes in pregnancy.
Stop smoking. Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature labour, and low birth weight babies. Your surgery should be able to put you in touch with a `stop smoking' service.
If you are taking any drugs, either prescribed, over the counter, or recreational, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice about their safety in early pregnancy. Many occasional use medications and over the counter products can be bad for developing babies. Some prescribed medications such as epilepsy medication and some anti-depressant treatments can cause foetal abnormalities if taken in pregnancy. It may be necessary to make some changes before conceiving.
Dental health in pet
Maintaining your pet’s dental health is a very important part of caring for your pet. Calculus is the brown build-up of plaque found extending downwards on the tooth from the gum line. Calculus is a haven for bacteria which can have serious consequences for your pet’s general health.
These bacteria can not only cause abscesses and tooth loss but can have further effects - even resulting in organ damage as the bacteria are carried from the mouth through the bloodstream.
Dogs and cats make much fuller use of their teeth than humans do - using them in ways we usually use our hands. It stands to reason, therefore, that maintaining canine and feline dental health is essential to their well-being (and of course pets can’t wear dentures!).
Therefore, the best thing you can do for your dog or cat’s dental health is to embark on a prevention program and look out for your pet’s teeth and gums before it’s too late.
Bad breath is usually the first indication that your pet’s teeth and gums need attention. Bacteria in the mouth and the development of calculus produce foul-smelling breath in pets. Regular inspection of the teeth is also a good idea to establish your pet’s level of dental health.
Normal teeth in pets are shiny white all the way to the line of the gum. Any deposits or build up of a dark yellow or brown substance on the teeth, especially near the gum line, indicates a problem with calculus.
Chewing on hard food generally cleanses the teeth of calculus, especially the tips of the teeth. However, be aware that the gum line is slightly indented and can harbor the calculus-causing bacteria for months on end without being affected by your pet’s eating.
The gums should appear a healthy pink color and there should be a clear delineation between gums and teeth.
These bacteria can not only cause abscesses and tooth loss but can have further effects - even resulting in organ damage as the bacteria are carried from the mouth through the bloodstream.
Dogs and cats make much fuller use of their teeth than humans do - using them in ways we usually use our hands. It stands to reason, therefore, that maintaining canine and feline dental health is essential to their well-being (and of course pets can’t wear dentures!).
Therefore, the best thing you can do for your dog or cat’s dental health is to embark on a prevention program and look out for your pet’s teeth and gums before it’s too late.
Bad breath is usually the first indication that your pet’s teeth and gums need attention. Bacteria in the mouth and the development of calculus produce foul-smelling breath in pets. Regular inspection of the teeth is also a good idea to establish your pet’s level of dental health.
Normal teeth in pets are shiny white all the way to the line of the gum. Any deposits or build up of a dark yellow or brown substance on the teeth, especially near the gum line, indicates a problem with calculus.
Chewing on hard food generally cleanses the teeth of calculus, especially the tips of the teeth. However, be aware that the gum line is slightly indented and can harbor the calculus-causing bacteria for months on end without being affected by your pet’s eating.
The gums should appear a healthy pink color and there should be a clear delineation between gums and teeth.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Korat Kittens
Medium-sized, sleek, muscular cat, which should not be very stocky. The head should not have any prominent contours. The face is heart-shaped from the front, wide between and above the eyes and has large, slightly rounded ears which are wide at the base and then taper to a point. Eyes are large, round and wide open. The favoured colour for show cats is green, although amber is also accepted. Legs are in proportion to the body, although the hind legs are slightly longer than the front. The tail is medium-length, powerful and tapers to a rounded point. The short to medium-length coat lies flat along the body and is fine and silky. The coat is always blue, with silver tips to each hair.
Korats are a slate blue-grey shorthair domestic cat with a small to medium build and a low percentage of body fat. Their bodies are semi-cobby, and are surprisingly heavy for their size. They are intelligent, shy, soft-voiced, playful, active cats and form strong bonds with people.
Korats have several characteristics distinguishing them as a breed. One is its head, frequently described as "heart-shaped". Korats are known for their relatively large green eyes and are one of a few breeds that have only one color.
The Korat was first discovered in Ampur Pimai of the Korat Province of Thailand. In a book first printed in 1305 you will find a poem dedicated to this extraordinary animal; The Cat Book of Poems. This book is now located in the National Library of Bangok.
The good luck of this cat is said to increase if the cat has a kink in its tail. In 1959 the first two Korats were imported to the United States, sent to an Oregon cattery; Cedar Glen Cattery. Seven years later, the Korat was officially recognized in the CFA into the Championship status.
Korats are a slate blue-grey shorthair domestic cat with a small to medium build and a low percentage of body fat. Their bodies are semi-cobby, and are surprisingly heavy for their size. They are intelligent, shy, soft-voiced, playful, active cats and form strong bonds with people.
Korats have several characteristics distinguishing them as a breed. One is its head, frequently described as "heart-shaped". Korats are known for their relatively large green eyes and are one of a few breeds that have only one color.
The Korat was first discovered in Ampur Pimai of the Korat Province of Thailand. In a book first printed in 1305 you will find a poem dedicated to this extraordinary animal; The Cat Book of Poems. This book is now located in the National Library of Bangok.
The good luck of this cat is said to increase if the cat has a kink in its tail. In 1959 the first two Korats were imported to the United States, sent to an Oregon cattery; Cedar Glen Cattery. Seven years later, the Korat was officially recognized in the CFA into the Championship status.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
The child's mouth contains 20 temporary teeth, called primary teeth, baby teeth, or deciduous teeth, consisting of the following teeth types:
4 second molars
4 first molars
4 cuspids (also called canine or eye teeth)
4 lateral incisors
4 central incisors
For each set of four teeth, two teeth are located in the upper arch (one on each side of the mouth) and two are located in the lower arch (one on each side of the mouth).
Permanent Teeth
The adult mouth contains 32 permanent teeth, consisting of the following teeth types:
4 third molars (also called wisdom teeth)
4 second molars (also called 12-year molars)
4 first molars (also called 6-year molars)
4 second bicuspids (also called second premolars)
4 first bicuspids (also called first premolars)
4 cuspids (also called canine or eye teeth)
4 lateral incisors
4 central incisors
The child's mouth contains 20 temporary teeth, called primary teeth, baby teeth, or deciduous teeth, consisting of the following teeth types:
4 second molars
4 first molars
4 cuspids (also called canine or eye teeth)
4 lateral incisors
4 central incisors
For each set of four teeth, two teeth are located in the upper arch (one on each side of the mouth) and two are located in the lower arch (one on each side of the mouth).
Permanent Teeth
The adult mouth contains 32 permanent teeth, consisting of the following teeth types:
4 third molars (also called wisdom teeth)
4 second molars (also called 12-year molars)
4 first molars (also called 6-year molars)
4 second bicuspids (also called second premolars)
4 first bicuspids (also called first premolars)
4 cuspids (also called canine or eye teeth)
4 lateral incisors
4 central incisors
Monday, October 20, 2008
Teeth are extremely useful. They help you to tear, cut and break up your food into very small pieces so you can swallow it more easily.
Digestion starts in your mouth with your teeth.
A human baby has 20 baby or milk teeth. These start to develop at about 6 months old and last until you are about 5 - 6 years old.
An human adult has 32 teeth called permanent teeth. These start to grow when you are about 5 -6 years old. They replace your milk teeth.
You only have two sets of teeth in your life - take great care of them.
Having straight teeth is important. Teeth that are crooked or out of place (misaligned) affect the way a person chews and talks and how their smile looks. Because they have unnatural spaces, crooked teeth are harder to clean and are more likely to have cavities.
In some cases, crooked teeth can affect the way the jaws line up and can cause pain and discomfort.
Digestion starts in your mouth with your teeth.
A human baby has 20 baby or milk teeth. These start to develop at about 6 months old and last until you are about 5 - 6 years old.
An human adult has 32 teeth called permanent teeth. These start to grow when you are about 5 -6 years old. They replace your milk teeth.
You only have two sets of teeth in your life - take great care of them.
Having straight teeth is important. Teeth that are crooked or out of place (misaligned) affect the way a person chews and talks and how their smile looks. Because they have unnatural spaces, crooked teeth are harder to clean and are more likely to have cavities.
In some cases, crooked teeth can affect the way the jaws line up and can cause pain and discomfort.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Otterhound Puppy
The Otterhound is an old British breed, with Bloodhound ancestors in its background, and is in turn one of the ancestors of the Airedale Terrier. There are fewer than 1000 Otterhounds world wide. This is a large, strong breed with a hard, crisp and close coat, oily in nature that can withstand any amount of immersion in water. It is a peer among swimmers, its progress through the water being aided greatly by its webbed feet. Otterhounds are affectionate but don't demand attention all the time. They are generally quite willing to include most two and four legged members of the household in their notion of their "pack". While Otterhounds can be good with kids, a young Otterhound is big and likely to be klutzy and may not be the best companion for a wobbly toddler or a frail elderly person.
Coat: The Otterhound has a long double coat. The outer coat of this breed should be dense, coarse, rough and crisp giving a shaggy appearance, while the undercoat should be soft and wooly.
Overview: The Otterhound is loyal, dependable, sweet, and bold. This breed makes a wonderful companion to children. This breed tends to chase smaller animals, but does well with cats in the family, and does exceptionally well with other dogs. The Otterhound is generally friendly with all people.
Character: Otterhounds are very cheerful and jolly, making them a joy to be around. They are friendly, intelligent, but can be willful and independent making training a bit more difficult.
Temperament: Making a good house pet, this dog does very well with other animals and people. Being so friendly with people, including strangers, the Otterhound does not do well as a guard or watchdog. However, this dog does love to bay and alert at the slightest of noises.
Care: Weekly brushing will be sufficient, however twice a week is best to keep this coat free of matting. If being used for show, the Otterhound should not have his coat clipped, as this dog should have a natural appearing coat. Beard must be washed frequently to prevent caking and debris.
Training: Being very willful and independent, variety, consistency, and patience is the key with this friendly dog. This breed does not respond well to firm training, but softer and more patient techniques.
Otterhounds can make great pets, but potential owners must not be obsessed with keeping the house/clothes spotless, as they can be independent and fun-loving. OH owners must also have a securely fenced yard, and is not wary of neighbors who do not love that hound voice. Otterhounds are an ideal pet that don't demand attention all the time. If you're in search of a very loving dog that can serve as a watchdog (but not as guard dogs) the otterhound is for you.
Like many of the large breeds, they are subject to hip dysplasia and bloat. Otterhounds are also subject to a potentially fatal bleeding disorder. In the last few years, there have also been an increasing number of reports of seizures in Otterhounds. The Otterhound Club of America's health surveys conducted in 1996 and again in 2003 indicated major health problems are uncommon until old age. This breed is usually quite slow to mature, both physically and mentally.
Coat: The Otterhound has a long double coat. The outer coat of this breed should be dense, coarse, rough and crisp giving a shaggy appearance, while the undercoat should be soft and wooly.
Overview: The Otterhound is loyal, dependable, sweet, and bold. This breed makes a wonderful companion to children. This breed tends to chase smaller animals, but does well with cats in the family, and does exceptionally well with other dogs. The Otterhound is generally friendly with all people.
Character: Otterhounds are very cheerful and jolly, making them a joy to be around. They are friendly, intelligent, but can be willful and independent making training a bit more difficult.
Temperament: Making a good house pet, this dog does very well with other animals and people. Being so friendly with people, including strangers, the Otterhound does not do well as a guard or watchdog. However, this dog does love to bay and alert at the slightest of noises.
Care: Weekly brushing will be sufficient, however twice a week is best to keep this coat free of matting. If being used for show, the Otterhound should not have his coat clipped, as this dog should have a natural appearing coat. Beard must be washed frequently to prevent caking and debris.
Training: Being very willful and independent, variety, consistency, and patience is the key with this friendly dog. This breed does not respond well to firm training, but softer and more patient techniques.
Otterhounds can make great pets, but potential owners must not be obsessed with keeping the house/clothes spotless, as they can be independent and fun-loving. OH owners must also have a securely fenced yard, and is not wary of neighbors who do not love that hound voice. Otterhounds are an ideal pet that don't demand attention all the time. If you're in search of a very loving dog that can serve as a watchdog (but not as guard dogs) the otterhound is for you.
Like many of the large breeds, they are subject to hip dysplasia and bloat. Otterhounds are also subject to a potentially fatal bleeding disorder. In the last few years, there have also been an increasing number of reports of seizures in Otterhounds. The Otterhound Club of America's health surveys conducted in 1996 and again in 2003 indicated major health problems are uncommon until old age. This breed is usually quite slow to mature, both physically and mentally.
Bathing baby
Keeping your baby clean is vital to their health. That's why it's important for you to bathe them regularly and in the proper manner.
If your baby isn't crawling yet, it's advisable to give them a bath 2 or 3 times a week, generally at a time when they are calm and not after they've eaten.
You should, however, clean their hands, neck, face, and bottom every day.
Because babies have sensitive skin, bathe them in water that is warm and definitely not hot. That means you should put the water in the tub before you put the baby in so you can test the water temperature.
You should normally put no more than 5 cm (2 inches) of water in the tub when bathing an infant. But infants can drown even in less than 5 cm of water, so never leave your baby alone while they're in water!
Doctors suggest washing the cleanest areas first and then progressing to the dirty areas, in order to keep the washcloth cleaner longer. Rinse well after washing. Areas to be especially gentle with include the face, genitals, neck, ears, and folds of skin.
Mild soap should be applied to the baby's skin only once or twice a week and shampooing should also be done once or twice a week.
Only wash the outside of the baby's ear and do not put anything inside the ear, like a Q-tip.
When you're done washing your baby, use a soft towel to dry them.
Nutrition is vital to your baby's development, especially during the first year of life. So what and how should babies be fed during that crucial newborn period?
Health professionals emphasize the nutritional advantages of breast-feeding infants, especially for the first 6 to 12 months. Breast milk is tailor-made for a baby's digestive system and is rich in antibodies, which help to ward off bacteria and viruses. And over the course of a baby's development, the breast milk will alter its composition to suit the baby's nutritional needs.
Once the baby starts eating solid foods, at around 6 months, continue breast-feeding as well. Doctors believe babies' health will benefit greatly if they receive a mix of breast milk with solid foods in the period between 6 months and one year of age.
However, while breast milk is considered the best option for a baby's health, not all mothers can - or want to - feed their child in this way. The other option is iron-fortified formula.
But while formulas are aimed at mirroring breast milk in terms of composition and nutritional advantages for babies, they are not identical to breast milk. Should you choose a formula, be sure that it is fortified with iron and contains necessary vitamins and minerals. Check with your doctor to learn which formula is most appropriate for your baby.
Doctors generally recommend that you do not give cow's milk to infants 12 months old or younger. For babies, cow's milk is difficult to digest and does not provide enough nutrition.
Whether you're breast-feeding, using formula or a combination of both, it is recommended that babies be fed with either or both for the first 9 to 12 months of their lives.
If your baby isn't crawling yet, it's advisable to give them a bath 2 or 3 times a week, generally at a time when they are calm and not after they've eaten.
You should, however, clean their hands, neck, face, and bottom every day.
Because babies have sensitive skin, bathe them in water that is warm and definitely not hot. That means you should put the water in the tub before you put the baby in so you can test the water temperature.
You should normally put no more than 5 cm (2 inches) of water in the tub when bathing an infant. But infants can drown even in less than 5 cm of water, so never leave your baby alone while they're in water!
Doctors suggest washing the cleanest areas first and then progressing to the dirty areas, in order to keep the washcloth cleaner longer. Rinse well after washing. Areas to be especially gentle with include the face, genitals, neck, ears, and folds of skin.
Mild soap should be applied to the baby's skin only once or twice a week and shampooing should also be done once or twice a week.
Only wash the outside of the baby's ear and do not put anything inside the ear, like a Q-tip.
When you're done washing your baby, use a soft towel to dry them.
Nutrition is vital to your baby's development, especially during the first year of life. So what and how should babies be fed during that crucial newborn period?
Health professionals emphasize the nutritional advantages of breast-feeding infants, especially for the first 6 to 12 months. Breast milk is tailor-made for a baby's digestive system and is rich in antibodies, which help to ward off bacteria and viruses. And over the course of a baby's development, the breast milk will alter its composition to suit the baby's nutritional needs.
Once the baby starts eating solid foods, at around 6 months, continue breast-feeding as well. Doctors believe babies' health will benefit greatly if they receive a mix of breast milk with solid foods in the period between 6 months and one year of age.
However, while breast milk is considered the best option for a baby's health, not all mothers can - or want to - feed their child in this way. The other option is iron-fortified formula.
But while formulas are aimed at mirroring breast milk in terms of composition and nutritional advantages for babies, they are not identical to breast milk. Should you choose a formula, be sure that it is fortified with iron and contains necessary vitamins and minerals. Check with your doctor to learn which formula is most appropriate for your baby.
Doctors generally recommend that you do not give cow's milk to infants 12 months old or younger. For babies, cow's milk is difficult to digest and does not provide enough nutrition.
Whether you're breast-feeding, using formula or a combination of both, it is recommended that babies be fed with either or both for the first 9 to 12 months of their lives.
Baby health

Babies are amazing: they can sleep right through the telephone ringing and the dog barking. This is very normal and doesn't indicate that your baby has a hearing problem but, rather, that she needs her sleep. It's better to test your baby's hearing when she's awake and alert. Here are a few quick tests you can do to check her hearing: • If your baby is under three months, clap your hands behind her head. If she startles, she's fine. http://www.flixya.com/blog/msnty1
If she doesn't, repeat a few times. • If your baby is a bit older, between four and six months, she should have some head control. Call her name to see if she turns toward or reacts to your voice. She might also turn her eyes or head to look for an interesting sound. As hearing and talking are linked, by four months old your baby should start to make cooing sounds and other noises. • Between six and 10 months, your child should respond to her name and familiar environmental sounds, such as the ringing of the phone or the roar of the vacuum cleaner.
• Between 10 and 15 months, she should be able to point to a familiar object in a picture book when asked. If there's no response to any of these tests, consult your doctor or health visitor. Since the vast majority of babies have excellent hearing, it's probably just a temporary loss caused by a cold. Or she may simply be too engrossed in something else to take notice. All babies are now to be routinely tested after birth to pick up any possible hearing problems early on. Your baby may also have a hearing assessment at six to nine months by your health visitor. If there's no apparent problem, but you're still worried, ask for another appointment.
Hearing helps children learn about the world and communicate. You can stimulate your baby's sense of hearing by: • Popping in a CD or turning on the radio. Children love music so point out the tinkling of the piano and the clashing of the cymbals. • Talking to your child and reading to her. Nothing stimulates a child's intelligence more than hearing you talk. Don't endlessly bombard your child with words, but if she seems interested, tell her what you're doing. For example, if you're packing her nappy bag, give her a vivid description of what you're including. When you dress her, name the colour and type of garment you're slipping over her head and describe the lacy quality of the socks you're putting on her feet. It's a good idea to turn the radio, TV or music off sometimes so that your baby can hear your voice on it's own sometimes.
If she doesn't, repeat a few times. • If your baby is a bit older, between four and six months, she should have some head control. Call her name to see if she turns toward or reacts to your voice. She might also turn her eyes or head to look for an interesting sound. As hearing and talking are linked, by four months old your baby should start to make cooing sounds and other noises. • Between six and 10 months, your child should respond to her name and familiar environmental sounds, such as the ringing of the phone or the roar of the vacuum cleaner.
• Between 10 and 15 months, she should be able to point to a familiar object in a picture book when asked. If there's no response to any of these tests, consult your doctor or health visitor. Since the vast majority of babies have excellent hearing, it's probably just a temporary loss caused by a cold. Or she may simply be too engrossed in something else to take notice. All babies are now to be routinely tested after birth to pick up any possible hearing problems early on. Your baby may also have a hearing assessment at six to nine months by your health visitor. If there's no apparent problem, but you're still worried, ask for another appointment.
Hearing helps children learn about the world and communicate. You can stimulate your baby's sense of hearing by: • Popping in a CD or turning on the radio. Children love music so point out the tinkling of the piano and the clashing of the cymbals. • Talking to your child and reading to her. Nothing stimulates a child's intelligence more than hearing you talk. Don't endlessly bombard your child with words, but if she seems interested, tell her what you're doing. For example, if you're packing her nappy bag, give her a vivid description of what you're including. When you dress her, name the colour and type of garment you're slipping over her head and describe the lacy quality of the socks you're putting on her feet. It's a good idea to turn the radio, TV or music off sometimes so that your baby can hear your voice on it's own sometimes.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever was developed in England in the mid 1800s by a handful of private kennels dedicated to developing and refining the perfect gundog. That many such kennels were pursuing their own vision of such a dog is the reason behind the variety of today's retriever breeds. http://catsillness.wordpress.com/2008/10/06/puppy-and-dog-names
Early ancestors
It's fairly clear that there were no indigenous dogs in Newfoundland when the first fishing companies arrived. If the native Americans of the time had any, the explorers never observed them. Thus it's quite likely that the St. Johns dogs themselves come from old English Water Dogge breeds, insofar as fishermen were the primary people on Newfoundland for centuries. There is also some speculation that the old St. Hubert's dog might have been brought over as well -- illustrations of the breed show a black, drop-eared dog with a certain resemblance to the Labrador. But it is unknown if the fishermen going to Newfoundland would have had hound dogs used for game rather than water dogs.
Early ancestors
It's fairly clear that there were no indigenous dogs in Newfoundland when the first fishing companies arrived. If the native Americans of the time had any, the explorers never observed them. Thus it's quite likely that the St. Johns dogs themselves come from old English Water Dogge breeds, insofar as fishermen were the primary people on Newfoundland for centuries. There is also some speculation that the old St. Hubert's dog might have been brought over as well -- illustrations of the breed show a black, drop-eared dog with a certain resemblance to the Labrador. But it is unknown if the fishermen going to Newfoundland would have had hound dogs used for game rather than water dogs.
Coat: The Labrador Retriever is a double coat breed. The outer coat is straight, short, very dense, and hard in texture. The under coat is soft, weather-resistant, and protects this breed from cold, all types of ground cover, and water. The color of the coat comes in chocolate, black, and yellow. This breed is an average shedder.
Overview: Originating in Newfoundland during the 1700s, the Labrador Retriever was imported to England in the early 1800s. This breed is among the oldest of the modern recognized breeds. Their versatility and endless positive attributes have made the Labrador Retriever a popular family pet.
Overview: Originating in Newfoundland during the 1700s, the Labrador Retriever was imported to England in the early 1800s. This breed is among the oldest of the modern recognized breeds. Their versatility and endless positive attributes have made the Labrador Retriever a popular family pet.
Character: The Labrador Retriever is medium in size, strong, athletic, and well balanced. They are friendly, outgoing, and possess an extremely sweet personality. There are two types of Labrador: The American, which is tall and lanky, and the English, which is more thick and heavy. This sporting breed is adept at hunting and retrieving. Labrador Retrievers are revered as companions and highly respected for their loving nature.
Character: The Labrador Retriever is medium in size, strong, athletic, and well balanced. They are friendly, outgoing, and possess an extremely sweet personality. There are two types of Labrador: The American, which is tall and lanky, and the English, which is more thick and heavy. This sporting breed is adept at hunting and retrieving. Labrador Retrievers are revered as companions and highly respected for their loving nature.
Temperament: This breed is highly intelligent, loyal, and deeply devoted. The Labrador Retriever is reliable, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship and attention. They are absolutely wonderful with children and get along exceedingly well with other dogs. They may be reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs. If this breed is left alone for extended periods of time without attention or stimulation they will become lonely, bored, and destructive.
Care: The Labrador Retriever requires regular grooming with a firm bristle brush. Special care should be given to the under coat to prevent mats and tangles. Bathing or dry shampooing should only be done when absolutely necessary. Labrador Retrievers are prone to elbow and hip dysplasia, eye disorders, and PRA.
Temperament: This breed is highly intelligent, loyal, and deeply devoted. The Labrador Retriever is reliable, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship and attention. They are absolutely wonderful with children and get along exceedingly well with other dogs. They may be reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs. If this breed is left alone for extended periods of time without attention or stimulation they will become lonely, bored, and destructive.
Care: The Labrador Retriever requires regular grooming with a firm bristle brush. Special care should be given to the under coat to prevent mats and tangles. Bathing or dry shampooing should only be done when absolutely necessary. Labrador Retrievers are prone to elbow and hip dysplasia, eye disorders, and PRA.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Weimaraner is a silver-gray breed of dog developed originally in early 19th century for hunting. Early Weimaraners were used by royalty for hunting large game, such as boar, bears, deer, and foxes. As the popularity of large game hunting began to decline, Weimaraners were used for hunting smaller animals, like fowl, rabbits, and foxes. Rather than having a specific purpose such as pointing or flushing, the Weimaraner is an all purpose gun dog. The Weimaraner is loyal and loving to his family, an incredible hunter, and a fearless guardian of his family and territory. The name comes from the Grand Duke of Weimar, Karl August, whose court enjoyed hunting.
Coat: The Weimaraner has a fine, short, sleek gray coat. The color ranges from a mouse gray to a silver gray. The distinctive color led to this breed being nicknamed the Silver Ghost or Gray Ghost. The Weimaraner's coat color is a rarity among dog breeds.
Overview: The Weimaraner is a centuries old breed from Germany. They are pointers and retrievers that possess many talents. The Weimaraner is utilized in various capacities such as police work, search and rescue, and tracking. This breed is athletic and moderately large.
Character: The Weimaraner is a versatile breed that has both the intellect and energy to accomplish almost anything. They are friendly, alert, and willing to please. The Weimaraner is muscular yet graceful in motion. They are generally gentle and protective companions.
Temperament: The Weimaraner is happy and cheerful, highly intelligent and loving. They can be very willful and opinionated. This breed exhibits a truly unique personality. They are passionate and reliable. The Weimaraner prefers to live inside as a member of the family. They require companionship and attention and do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. This breed gets along well with other dogs but not cats. They are not recommended for very young children or the elderly as they could easily knock them down. The Weimaraner is brave and loyal.
Care: The Weimaraner's smooth, short coat is easy to care for. Brushing should be done with a firm bristle brush. They should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. They do well with occasional dry shampooing. They should have their feet and mouth inspected for damage after exercise or work sessions. The Weimaraner is prone to bloating, so small meals two times a day are best. They may suffer from hip dysplasia but are generally healthy.
Coat: The Weimaraner has a fine, short, sleek gray coat. The color ranges from a mouse gray to a silver gray. The distinctive color led to this breed being nicknamed the Silver Ghost or Gray Ghost. The Weimaraner's coat color is a rarity among dog breeds.
Overview: The Weimaraner is a centuries old breed from Germany. They are pointers and retrievers that possess many talents. The Weimaraner is utilized in various capacities such as police work, search and rescue, and tracking. This breed is athletic and moderately large.
Character: The Weimaraner is a versatile breed that has both the intellect and energy to accomplish almost anything. They are friendly, alert, and willing to please. The Weimaraner is muscular yet graceful in motion. They are generally gentle and protective companions.
Temperament: The Weimaraner is happy and cheerful, highly intelligent and loving. They can be very willful and opinionated. This breed exhibits a truly unique personality. They are passionate and reliable. The Weimaraner prefers to live inside as a member of the family. They require companionship and attention and do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. This breed gets along well with other dogs but not cats. They are not recommended for very young children or the elderly as they could easily knock them down. The Weimaraner is brave and loyal.
Care: The Weimaraner's smooth, short coat is easy to care for. Brushing should be done with a firm bristle brush. They should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. They do well with occasional dry shampooing. They should have their feet and mouth inspected for damage after exercise or work sessions. The Weimaraner is prone to bloating, so small meals two times a day are best. They may suffer from hip dysplasia but are generally healthy.
Australian Shepherd
The Australian Shepherd we know today was developed mainly in the U.S. In fact, this breed has no real connection to Australia. Originating in the Basque region between Spain and France as a working dog and sheepherder, the breed drew the name “Australian Shepherd” because many of the Basque shepherds came from Australia. Australian Shepherds became more popular in the mid-twentieth century, favorites of ranchers and cowboys for their unique herding talents, but did not enter the AKC Stud Book until 1991.
Coat: The Australian Shepherd has a striking and varied coat. It is of moderate length, straight to wavy, and weather resistant. The under coat is shed twice a year; with moderate shedding between these periods. The coat comes in four accepted colors: black, blue merle, red, and red merle. A variety of white and tan markings may appear on the face, chest, front, and rear legs.
Overview: The exact origin of the Australian Shepherd is not known. The breed that is cherished and loved today was developed exclusively in the United States. The Australian Shepherd has an innate versatility that makes them useful on ranches and farms as a herding dog, retriever, and watchdog. They are typically referred to as "The Aussie".
Character: The Australian Shepherds most identifiable characteristic is the natural or docked bobtail. Their eyes are one of this breeds most commented on feature. Their eyes come in a variety of colors or color combinations and include blue, amber, hazel, and all shades of brown. The Aussie is a vigorous and athletic breed.
Temperament: Australian Shepherds are intelligent, delightful, and loyal. They are highly energetic and thrive on being given something to do. The Aussie has a high degree of intensity and a "no-quit" attitude. Their herding instinct may be problematic or annoying to their family, as this breed will often attempt to perform this task on everyone or anything that moves. They are reserved and cautious with strangers until the Aussie decides about them. They are confident and protective. Human companionship is crucial to this breed. They get along well with active, considerate older children. The Aussie is not typically aggressive to other dogs.
Coat: The Australian Shepherd has a striking and varied coat. It is of moderate length, straight to wavy, and weather resistant. The under coat is shed twice a year; with moderate shedding between these periods. The coat comes in four accepted colors: black, blue merle, red, and red merle. A variety of white and tan markings may appear on the face, chest, front, and rear legs.
Overview: The exact origin of the Australian Shepherd is not known. The breed that is cherished and loved today was developed exclusively in the United States. The Australian Shepherd has an innate versatility that makes them useful on ranches and farms as a herding dog, retriever, and watchdog. They are typically referred to as "The Aussie".
Character: The Australian Shepherds most identifiable characteristic is the natural or docked bobtail. Their eyes are one of this breeds most commented on feature. Their eyes come in a variety of colors or color combinations and include blue, amber, hazel, and all shades of brown. The Aussie is a vigorous and athletic breed.
Temperament: Australian Shepherds are intelligent, delightful, and loyal. They are highly energetic and thrive on being given something to do. The Aussie has a high degree of intensity and a "no-quit" attitude. Their herding instinct may be problematic or annoying to their family, as this breed will often attempt to perform this task on everyone or anything that moves. They are reserved and cautious with strangers until the Aussie decides about them. They are confident and protective. Human companionship is crucial to this breed. They get along well with active, considerate older children. The Aussie is not typically aggressive to other dogs.
dog's ears
A dog that scratches at its ears or appears disoriented may be pointing to an advanced ear infection, but you can get an early warning with your nose. Healthy dogs' ears should have a "pleasant" (in a doggy kind of way) smell that reminds some people of beeswax. Infected ears smell waxy, all right, but they're also disgustingly rank. In the meantime, it's a good idea to get a "base line" by sniffing your dog's ears right after the veterinarian gives him a clean bill of health.
Mites in the ears also can prompt the dog to scratch that area or shake his head violently. Not all mites cause the ears to produce excess wax, but dark brown wax could be a sign of the parasites and it only takes three or four per ear to make a mess. Ear mites are also contagious to other pets. http://www.getablog.net/catlifespan/18958/puppy+food.html
The ears of a dog can be the most difficult part of your pet to clean. Whether your dog’s ears are floppy, straight up, or bent over, a lot can and does go on in your dog’s ears. It’s your job to make sure your pet’s ears remain healthy.
Poor circulation inside your dog’s ears is the main reason disease and bugs form there. You need to make sure they get a decent level of oxygen, and that can be difficult if your dog is one that has floppy ears.
Ears can be a great place for mites, yeast infections and plenty of different types of bacteria to form. And these things do appear in dog’s ears at one time or another. But if you clean your dog’s ears regularly, that won’t be as big of a problem.
Cleaning your dog’s ears, believe it or not, starts at bath time. You should put cotton in your dog’s ears to keep water from getting inside them. Moisture provides a great condition for these dreadful problems to occur inside your dog’s ears. If you do get water in your dog’s ears, make sure they dry properly. And that can be difficult if your dog has floppy ears. You’ll want to hold them open for a few hours while your dog dries off.
If your dog is one that has hair on the inner ears, you’ll likely have to pluck some hair out of them before you can begin a regularly cleaning process as dictated by your vet. You should do this when your dog is tired, right after a big meal in the evening, so he won’t mind the plucking as much.
Your vet will likely give you a cleaning solution to use when cleaning your dog’s ears. This solution will be different depending on the type of ears your dog has. When you go to clean your dog’s ears, give your pet a treat and squirt some of the solution inside his ears. Then sit there and massage his ears for 30 seconds or a minute and praise him extensively while the solution breaks apart any unwanted substances inside. You may then use cotton swabs to clean out the dirt and grime.
Mites in the ears also can prompt the dog to scratch that area or shake his head violently. Not all mites cause the ears to produce excess wax, but dark brown wax could be a sign of the parasites and it only takes three or four per ear to make a mess. Ear mites are also contagious to other pets. http://www.getablog.net/catlifespan/18958/puppy+food.html
The ears of a dog can be the most difficult part of your pet to clean. Whether your dog’s ears are floppy, straight up, or bent over, a lot can and does go on in your dog’s ears. It’s your job to make sure your pet’s ears remain healthy.
Poor circulation inside your dog’s ears is the main reason disease and bugs form there. You need to make sure they get a decent level of oxygen, and that can be difficult if your dog is one that has floppy ears.
Ears can be a great place for mites, yeast infections and plenty of different types of bacteria to form. And these things do appear in dog’s ears at one time or another. But if you clean your dog’s ears regularly, that won’t be as big of a problem.
Cleaning your dog’s ears, believe it or not, starts at bath time. You should put cotton in your dog’s ears to keep water from getting inside them. Moisture provides a great condition for these dreadful problems to occur inside your dog’s ears. If you do get water in your dog’s ears, make sure they dry properly. And that can be difficult if your dog has floppy ears. You’ll want to hold them open for a few hours while your dog dries off.
If your dog is one that has hair on the inner ears, you’ll likely have to pluck some hair out of them before you can begin a regularly cleaning process as dictated by your vet. You should do this when your dog is tired, right after a big meal in the evening, so he won’t mind the plucking as much.
Your vet will likely give you a cleaning solution to use when cleaning your dog’s ears. This solution will be different depending on the type of ears your dog has. When you go to clean your dog’s ears, give your pet a treat and squirt some of the solution inside his ears. Then sit there and massage his ears for 30 seconds or a minute and praise him extensively while the solution breaks apart any unwanted substances inside. You may then use cotton swabs to clean out the dirt and grime.
Friday, October 3, 2008
puppy diseases
Many dogs when ill do not want to move. They have pain in moving; they may limp and refuse to exercise. All these signs indicate the injured leg or paw. These are the signs of injury or illness. Strong ear smell, discharge and shaking of the head are indicative of mites or yeast infection. Persistent coughing is a sign of kennel cough, heart worm, pneumonia or heart disease. If the dog passes blood in urine, then it may be suffering from urinary tract infection, kidney disease or internal injury. Constipation or defecating problems are indicative of intestinal blockage or a change of diet.
100-103 ° F is a normal temperature for the adult dogs, while 94-97 ° F is normal for the puppies. High temperature can be a sign of bacterial or viral infection. Bleeding gums or bad breath along with teeth loss or discolored teeth are the symptoms of periodontal disease. Increased thirst and urination frequency in dog are the symptoms of kidney disease, diabetes or liver disease. If your dog is suffering from the urinating problems, then it may possibly suffer from the kidney disease or kidney stones. Blood or worms in feces are the signs of bowel infection or parasite infestation. If your dog is ingesting grass or other vegetation or it is suffering from vomiting, then it may have the worm infestation or poisoning or gastrointestinal problems.
100-103 ° F is a normal temperature for the adult dogs, while 94-97 ° F is normal for the puppies. High temperature can be a sign of bacterial or viral infection. Bleeding gums or bad breath along with teeth loss or discolored teeth are the symptoms of periodontal disease. Increased thirst and urination frequency in dog are the symptoms of kidney disease, diabetes or liver disease. If your dog is suffering from the urinating problems, then it may possibly suffer from the kidney disease or kidney stones. Blood or worms in feces are the signs of bowel infection or parasite infestation. If your dog is ingesting grass or other vegetation or it is suffering from vomiting, then it may have the worm infestation or poisoning or gastrointestinal problems.
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