Saturday, August 23, 2008

how to stop chewing

We have already addressed part of the reason for your dog chewing. Your dog chews because it is natural for him to do so. Yet that is not the sole reason for chewing. Dogs chew because they have physical problems, because their teeth are causing them pain, or because they are bored. Dogs with allergies or fleas might chew themselves raw in an attempt to stop their itching.
One thing that is important to keep in mind is that dogs do not chew to spite their owners, or to get "revenge." Dogs do only what is in their best interest. They honestly don't care much about the feelings of other creatures-including their owners-so those feelings don't enter the picture when they choose their actions. Your dog doesn't think, "if I chew that afghan, Mommy will be very upset. She deserves it for leaving me alone today." Your dog probably thinks, "that afghan looks as though it will clean my teeth quite nicely as it shreds." When trying to deal with a chewing problem, or any problem with your dog, it is important to step away from the anger at imagined revenge motivation. Once you understand that your dog is simply being a dog, then you can find the cause for the behavior and try to determine a way to correct it.
What is my dog chewing?
One of the most important things to determine first is "what" your dog is chewing. Is he chewing himself? Is he chewing hard substances that rub against his gums? Is he chewing on a door, the siding, a cabinet, the remote control? What is it that appeals to your dog in his moments of destruction? See if you can find a common thread in all of the objects that your dog selects to chew. If there are only one or two objects that your dog focuses on, ask yourself why he focuses on those objects.
Why is my dog chewing what he is chewing?
Your dog chewing on himself, or "self-mutilation," seems like a serious problem that needs immediate correction. In many cases, self-mutilation is actually a symptom of a more serious, underlying cause. Your dog may have a skin problem or allergy that is causing him to itch. Some dogs have serious food allergies or deficiencies that cause itchy skin. Others might have reactions to irritants in their environment, just as people do. If it seems that your dog could have one of these problems, a visit to the vet is in order to determine the best course of action. Flea allergy dermatitis is another, temporary skin problem that some dogs face. Flea treatment, followed up by application of shampoos or lotions designed to soothe raw skin is a good way to deal with this problem. Once again, your vet can best advise you on a course of treatment.
Chewing on hard objects, or other objects that massage your dog's gums, could indicate he has a gum or tooth problem. If your dog is under a year old, it may mean that he is teething. Toy breed dogs occasionally retain baby teeth for a long time, due to the size and shape of their mouths. If you have a young dog, check his teeth for any sign of a retained tooth that might be causing pain or irritation. If you have an older dog, or if you see no sign of retained teeth in a younger dog, check your dog's teeth for any sign of cracks, decay, or tartar. Also, check to see if anything is stuck between the teeth. If there is a tartar build-up, or if the line of the gums is red or white along the teeth instead of pink, then your dog probably has some mouth problems. Once again, your vet can best advise you of what treatment your dog may require. Serious mouth problems need immediate treatment to prevent tooth loss.
What if your dog is chewing on other objects, however? The remote control or the paperback book you left on the table don't seem to fill any need that your dog might have. Neither does the cabinet door or the leg of the couch. The remote control might have other appeal. Are the buttons removed from the plastic cover? Imagine the challenge they provided when your dog took them out. And oh! The sound that paper made when it shredded! Pure ecstasy to the canine ears. That cabinet door? It's keeping your dog away from his food or treats. That couch leg, too, is in perfect reach of his head when he stretches out in the sun that comes into the living room in the afternoon. Was that pair of pantyhose taunting him as it dangled from the edge of the dresser? Obviously it wanted to play! There are many reasons our dogs choose the items they wish to chew on. It is important for us to think like dogs and find out what was so appealing to them when they first chose to mouth that object. What was it that was in your dog's best interest when he chose to chew what he did?
Tricks to teach your puppy
There are few things more entertaining than seeing a well-trained dog performing various tricks that its master has taught it. Many people buy young puppies with the intention of teaching them to do various tricks, but their plans often fall apart when they realize that they don't know how to teach the dogs to do what they want.
Puppies are often best when it comes to teaching them to do tricks; while the adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" isn't completely true, it is definitely much easier to teach them when they're young than when they're several years old and set in their ways.
Below are several common tricks, along with brief explanations of how to teach them. Remember that your dog won't pick up the trick right away; you've got to keep working with it if you want it to perform consistently.
Leash/Collar training: In the modern world, leash and collar training is almost a necessity. Almost as perilous as the dangers of letting your dog wander free are the fines in place for unleashed and uncollared dogs. To teach it to wear a collar, start by putting the collar on for short periods of time around the house. Some dogs won't mind the collar, while others will yelp and fight to remove it. Leave the collar on for longer periods of time, until the dog becomes used to it; repeat this method with the leash to get the dog used to being restrained by it. Once the dog has learned the limits of the leash and doesn't try to pull against it, you're ready to take it out for leashed walks.

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